Industrial Valves - Parts of Valve Classification of valves Gate valve Globe Valve Ball valve Butterfly valve Diaphragm Valve etc

Industrial Valves - Classification of valves Gate valve Globe Valve Ball valve Butterfly valve Diaphragm Valve etc

Industrial Valves blog contains detailed description used in industries in easy terms and multi language you definitely like this blog.

Before we start know some facts about valves

Valves are used to control, regulate or close flow.
Valves can be operated - 1. Hydraulic 2. Pneumatic 3. Manual 4. Solenoid 5. Motor

Blog Content 

  1. Gate Valves
  2. Globe valve
  3. Ball valves
  4. Butterfly valve
  5. Diaphragm in valve
  6. Non Return Valve

Interview Questions asked from this blog

  1. Which are main parts of valves?
  2. How valve bodies are classified?
  3. Basic classifications of valves?
  4. What is front seat seated and back seated seat?
  5. How many types of efforts available to operate valves?
  6. Which valves have more pressure drop?
  7. Which valves are used for throttling purpose?
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Valve parts

Each valves have some common parts we will see in this section

Industrial Valves - Valve parts
Industrial Valves - Valve parts
Valve parts number wise 
  1. Valve body
  2. Inlet Outlet Port
  3. Seat
  4. Stem
  5. Disc
  6. Valve bonnet
  7. Packing
  8. Gland nut
  9. Flow direction when valve is open
  10. Disc Position when valve is close
  11. Wheel position when valve is closed
Rest parts which are not common will be discussed in valve segments

1. Valve body

  • It is outer casing of valve on which other parts are assembled.
  • Valve body MOC is decided according to Material compatibility.
  • There are three types of body
  1. Full bore body - This type of valve body has same diameter of attached pipe
  2. Reduced bore Body – Valve flow passage is reduced than pipe volume.
  3. Cross flow body – Valves which pass not linear flow like Globe valve
parts of valves - body

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2. Inlet / Outlet Port

  • Commonly valve have 2 ports 1 inlet & 1 outlet.
  • In special cases it is available in 20 Inlet Outlet Ports.
  • Ports are connected with lines.

3. Seat

  • Seat is place where disc if set to stop flow.
  • MOC of seat is selected on basis of material compatibility.
parts of valve seat
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4. Stem

  • Stem fitted with disc to movement over seat when wheel or handle is operated.
  • It is fitted over bonnet
  • Combined stem with disc is also available.
  • Stem may be front seated or back seated
Stem - back seated
Stem - back seated
Stem - front seated
Stem - front seated


  • Disc is set on seat and sealing fluid.
Parts of valves - Disc
Parts of valves - Disc
  • Disc is attached to stem which is fitting on Seat

6. Hand wheel, Handle, Gearbox, Motor, Solenoid Hydraulic 

  • Hand wheel, Handle, Gearbox, Motor, Solenoid Hydraulic provided for valve easy operation  operate valve.
  • Valves can be operated - 1. Hydraulic 2. Pneumatic 3. Manual 4. Solenoid 5. Motor

7. Bonnet

  • Bonnet is a cover of valve
  • It is screwed or welded in valve when internals are fitted.
  • Whenever maintenance is required bonnet is opened and work carried.
  • Plug valve has no bonnet
bonnet of valve

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8. Packing

  • Packing is sealing stem & bonnet to prevent leakage.
  • Packing material selected according to material compatibility.

9. Gland nut

  • Gland nut is providing pressure to packing in valve.
  • It is not compulsory provided in all valves.
Industrial Valves - Valve parts
Industrial Valves - Valve parts
  • When Handle is operated disc is fitting on seat & stops flow.
  • Disc is available in many shapes & design.

12. Ball


  • Balls are available in ball valve to prevents flow.
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Types of Valves

  1. Gate Valves
  2. Globe valve
  3. Ball valves
  4. Butterfly valve
  5. Diaphragm in valve
  6. Non Return Valve

1. Gate Valves

Gate Valves
Photo Credits : Hardhat engineers

Valve operation: Fully open or Fully Close.
Pressure drop : Minimum due to high passage area.

Read full details about Gate valve : Click here

2. Globe Valve

Globe Valve
Globe Valve
Valve operation : Designed for throttling purpose
Pressure drop : High

Read full details about Globe valve : Click here

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3. Ball valve

Ball valve
Ball valve

Valve operation : 
fully open or Close
Pressure drop : Minimum

Read full details about Ball valve : Click here

4. Butterfly valve

Butterfly valve
Butterfly valve
Valve operation : fully open or Close
Pressure drop : Minimum

Read full details about Butterfly valve : Click here

5 Diaphragm valve

Diaphragm valve
Diaphragm valve

Valve operation : Flexible valve
Pressure drop : Minimum

Read full details about Diaphragm valve : Click here

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6 Non return valve

Non return valve
Non return valve

Read full details about Non return valve : Click here

Other types of Valves

Plug cock valve
Knife valve
Breathing valve
Disc valve
Clapper valve
Pinch valve
Piston valve
Poppet valve
Spool valve
Sampling valve
Safety valve

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Thanks for reading -
Naitik Patel
Industrial Guide

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