1. What is SAFETY OHS?
Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
The protection of people from physical injury-
The protection of bodies and minds of people from illness resulting from the materials, processes or procedures used in the workplace
Surrounding in which an organization operates including Air, Water, Land, Natural resources, Floura & fanna, human and their internships.
Conditions and factors that affect or could affect the health & safety of personnel & other workers (including temporary workers & contractor personnel), visitors or any other person in the work place.
2. What is Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)?
This OHSAS Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
PDCA can be briefly described as follows.
Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization’s OHS policy.
- Establish ESH Policy
- Carry out ESH risk Assessment
- Establish Goals and Objectives
- Prepare Operational Control Procedures
- Prepare Improvement Programmes
- Prepare Emergency Response Plan
- Assign Responsibility & Authority
- Allocate Resources
- Impart Awareness & Training
- Ensure Communication
- Implement OCPs
- Conduct Mock Drills
- Keep Record
Monitor and measure the processes against OHS Policy, Objectives, legal and other requirements and report the results.
- Measure & Monitor ESH Parameters
- Audit performance
- Take Corrective and Preventive Actions
Take action to continually improve OHS Management System
- Review Performance & revise
ILO- OHS 2001 Management System Model
i. Policy
ii. Organizing
iii. Planning & Implementation
iv. Evaluation
v. Action for Improvement
vi. Audit
vii. Continual Improvement
HSG65 Management System Model
i. Policy
ii. Organizing
iii. Planning & Implementation
iv. Measuring Performance/Monitoring
v. Review
vi. Audit
3. What is Environmental Aspects Environmental Impacts Environmental Incidents?
Environmental Aspects
Elements of an organization activities/ products/ services that can interact with the environment.
Environmental Impacts
Any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s aspects.
Environmental Incidents
Incidents which can cause adverse effect on environment (oil spillage, emission of gases etc.)
4.What is Ill Health, agronomic, HSE Policy?
Ill Health
Identifiable, adverse, physical or mental conditions arising from / made worse by a work activity / work related situation is termed as “ill health”.
The relationship between worker & working equipments and the environment.
HSE Policy
Overall intention & direction of an organization related to its HSE performance as formally expressed by top management.
5. What is HSE Policy?
Overall intention & direction of an organization related to its HSE performance as formally expressed by top management.
Content of HSE Policy:-
i. Statement of intent- it is one top page of policy signed by top management (MD/CEO etc.)
ii. Organization- in this section roles and responsibilities of all employees from bottom to top are clearly defined
iii. Arrangement section- it deals with proactive/active and reactive monitoring.
Proactive/ Active Monitoring:-
Which insures that health and safety standards are correct in the work place before accident, incident and ill health are caused/ It is concerned with checking standards before unwanted event occurs.
(Safety Audit, Safety Inspection, Safety Survey, Safety Tour, Safety Sampling, Health Surveillance, Benchmarking, Risk Assessments/ JSA, Method statement, Safe System of work, Information, Different types of training, Supervision etc.)
Reactive Monitoring: -
It’s using accident, incident, other unwanted events/ situations and ill health as indicators of health & safety performance to highlight area of concern.
(Accident Investigation, Data on accidents/ incidents/ near misses/ ill health/ first aid cases/ Enforcement action/ Complaints from the work force etc.)
6. What is HSE Performance, HSE Objective?
HSE Performance
Measureable results of an organization’s management of its H&S risks and environmental aspects.
HSE Objective
HSE goal in terms of HSE performance that an organization sets itself to achieve.
HSE Goal should be SMART- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timescale
7. What is document, Record?
Information and its supporting medium.
Document stating result achieved or providing evidence of activities performed.
8. What is Non-conformity, Corrective action, Preventive action?
Non fulfillment of requirement.
Corrective action
Action to eliminate the causes of detected non
conformities or other undesirable situation.
Preventive action
Action to eliminate the causes of potential non
conformities or other undesirable potential situation.
9. What is Injury, Lost Time Incident / Accident, Reportable Lost Time Injury (LTI)?
It is defined as a harmful condition sustained by the body as a result of an accident.
Lost Time Incident
Any injury/ illness, which results in an employee/ worker being unable to work or absent from his /her work beyond the day or shift or if not reporting within 24 hours.
Reportable Lost Time Injury (LTI)
Any injury causing death or disablement of injured person for 48 hours or more excluding the day of the shift on which accident occurred.
10. What is Man hours worked? What is Man days lost?
Man hours worked
Total number of employees hours worked is called total man hours worked.
Man days lost
The day on which the injury occurred and the day the injured person return to the work.
11. What is frequency rate?
Total number of reportable lost time injury per million man hours worked is called frequency rate.
12. What is severity rate?
Number of man days lost due to reportable lost time injury per million man hours worked is called severity rate.
13. What is accident Incident rate?
Number of lost time accident in one year per one thousand manpower worked is called Accident Incident Rate (AIR).
14. What is Fatality?
The death resulting from an injury/ occupational illness, regardless of the time intervening between injury and death.
15. What is immediate/ direct cause?
It is an event which caused an accident.
Example: - all unsafe acts.
16. What is root cause/ underlying cause?
It is the causes which normally state the failure of management system.
Example: - all unsafe conditions, inadequate supervision/ engineering/ purchasing/ maintenance/ tools & equipments/ work standard/ wear & tear/ abuse or misuse.
17. What are Unsafe Act/ Practice?
It is an act of an individual who violets safety norms.
A work done wrongly, without following proper methods of work, ignoring use of safety appliances/ norms is called Unsafe Act/ Practice.
Unsafe or Substandard Acts/ Practices
Horse play/ tease
Ignorance/ laziness/ shortcut
Ignoring site safety rules
Working under the influence of alcohol/ liquor or other drugs
Failure to secure
Failure to warn
Operating at improper/ unsafe speed
Making safety devices inoperative
Removing safety devices/ guards
None use of PPEs/ failure to use PPEs
Using PPEs incorrectly
Unsafe working position/ posture
Using equipments unsafely
Using hands instead of tools
Using defective equipment
Using tool/ equipment improperly
Use of wrong tools
Improper loading/ unloading
Improper placement
Improper lifting
Non use of guide rope/ tag line for heavy load shifting
Lifting beyond SWL
Staying in swing area of crane/excavator or heavy machinery
Standing under slung/ hanging loads
Unauthorized driving/ operating
Unauthorized work/ entry
Unskilled / inexperienced workers for site work
Meddling / Tampering with electrical connections
Leaning to the pilling bore
Throwing of material and tools from the top/ to the top
Climbing moving vehicles
Welding operation in flammable/explosive atmosphere
Storing O2 and C2H2 together/ improperly
Non use of pressure meter gauge/ flash back arrester/ non return valve
Non use of guy rope for heavy load
Carrying gas cylinder in JCB/Excavator bucket instead of doing it in wheel mounted trolley
18. What is Unsafe Condition?
The environment or location which is not safe to work or cause an accident.
When the work space/ area, machinery is left in that position which is dangerous/ hazardous to the people, cause damage to the machinery/ equipment is said to be Unsafe Condition.
Unsafe/Substandard Conditions
Violation of Site safety rules
Improper/ faulty planning
Tools and Machinery
Poorly maintained plant and equipment
Presence of defects in conditions
Error in design
Mushroomed tools
Improper guarding or unguarded machine
Improper or inadequate protective equipment
Defective tools and equipments
Omission of essential safety requirement
Faulty planning
Excavated area not barricaded
Open excavation/ pit/ ditch/ trench
Non display of sign board
Inadequate warning system
Improper excavation or no proper sloping
Improper access or egress
Poor housekeeping-
Slippery floor
Improper material stacking
Spillage of oil/ grease/ chemical
Materials lying here & there
Confined space-
Congested or restricted access
Improper access or egress
Flammable/ explosive atmosphere
Hazardous environmental conditions : gases, dust, smokes, fumes, vapors
Noise exposure
Radiation exposure
High or low temperature exposure
Inadequate or excessive illumination
substandard electrical tools/equipments/
electrical equipments without earthing
Joints in cables
Non use of ELCBs/RCCBs
Damaged circuit breakers
Incorrect fuse
Flammable material too close to electrical
equipments/near DG
DG/ DP/ DB without cover/ shed to protect
from rain
Inadequate circuits
Overloaded circuits
Loose connections
Over heating of cables
Cranes / Lifting Operations: -
Lifting tools and tackles without TPI
Unsuitable support or inadequate bases for crane
Loss of load
Failure of load
Lack of maintenance
Failure of load bearing part
Unsafe / Substandard slings
Damaged sling/ D-shackle/ I- Bolt/ safety sling
Not working horn/ swing horn/ over hoist & boom limit switch/ angle indicator
Lifting beyond SWL
Inadequate number of dog clamps,
Non securing during lifting operations
Non use of guy rope/ tag line
Operator/ rigger not competent
No barricading
Non display of sign boards
Welding / Gas Cutting
WR Without earthing
Loose connection
Joint, cut, damaged welding cable
Touching/ overlapping welding and electric cable
Welding holder insulation damage
Ammeter / voltmeter not working in WR
Non use of circuit breakers
Working method not suitable
Welding/ gas cutting operation in wet place/ water/ confined space/ Gaseous atm. /near flammable materials
Inexperienced welder/ gas cutter
Haphazard storing of gas cylinders
Gaseous atmosphere
Flash back arrestor/ non return valve not used
Cylinders without pressure gauges/ pressure gauges broken
Cylinders Valve capes missing
Long and damaged hoses
Non use of trolley for gas cylinders
Gas cylinder in trolley but not fastened with chain
No fire watcher/ fire fighter/ firefighting equipment
Non use of PPEs
Hot work at height and its bellow other activities
Ladders and Ramps-
Unsuitable and weak
Not secured from top or at bottom
Too steep/ not maintaining 4:1/ 75°
Not built by sound material
Improper rungs
Inefficient / Improper Supervision
Personal Factor:
Inadequate capability
Lack of knowledge
Lack of skill
Improper motivation
Job Factor:
Inadequate leadership/ supervision
Inadequate engineering
Inadequate purchasing
Inadequate maintenance
Inadequate tools/equipment
Inadequate work standard
Wear and tear
Abuse or misuse
Type of contact:
Struck against
Struck by
Caught on
Caught in
Caught between
Fall on same level
Fall on bellow
Contact with:
Toxic or noxious substances
19. What is accident?
Accident is unexpected, unintended or unwanted event which can injure to person and damage to property/ environment- OHSAS
20. What is incident?
Work related event(s) in which an injury, ill-health or fatality occurred or could have occurred is called incident-OHSAS
21. What is near miss/ near hit/ close call/ dangerous occurrence?
An incident where no injury, ill-health or fatality occurs is called near miss/ near hit/ close call/ dangerous occurrence- OHSAS
22. What is hazard?
Hazard is a potential condition awaiting to be converted into an unwanted event or accident.
Or Anything with potential that cause harm is called hazard.
23. What is risk?
Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event(s) or exposure(s) and the severity of an injury/ ill-health that can be caused by event(s) or exposure(s) is called risk- OSHAS
Or Risk is the product of two functions that is possibility of the accident which might occur and the severity of the event if it occurs.
24. What is risk assessment?
The process of evaluating the risk to health and safety arising from hazard at work is called risk assessment.
Risk assessment is an analysis of a hazard to assess the risk in terms of both severity and probability.
25. How to assess risk?
There are five steps in assessing the risk-
I. Identify the hazards
II. Identify the population at risk/ decide who
might be harmed & how
III. Evaluate the risk
Estimation of risk
Evaluation of risk
Existing control measures
IV. Record findings and implement them.
V. Review assessment and update if necessary.
26. What is Job Safety Analysis (JSA)?
JSA is a procedure of analyzing the jobs for the specific purpose of finding the hazards in each step in the job and developing the safety precautions to be taken.
27. How to perform JSA?
There are four steps in performing JSA -
I. Select the job.
II. Break the job into successive steps.
III. Identify the hazards and potential accident.
IV. Develop ways to eliminate hazards and
potential accident.
28. How to prevent accident?
Hierarchy of control: - ERICPD
A. Elimination
B. Reduction/Substitution
C. Isolation
D. Control Measures-
Administrative Control
Engineering Control
F. Discipline
IITS (Information, Instruction, Training &
29. If there is an accident at site/ work place, what would you do?
Provide first aid
Call for a doctor/ rush to the nearest hospital
Remove crowd and give condolence to the injured person
Inform to the senior/ site in charge
Barricade the accident spot
Make the area safe
Identify the witness
Form the accident investigation team
Investigate accident/ incident and report it to safety department (HO if reportable)
30. What are Tool Box Talk / Pep talk?
Tool Box Talk is a meeting taken by concerned foreman / supervisor with their team members for their respective job to identify and resolve Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Hazards associated with the specific task prior to perform.
Before starting any work workers are given knowledge in group regarding safe practice by concerned Engineer/ supervisor/ foreman in the presence of safety professional is said to be Tool Box Talk/ Pep talk.
Note: - The Tool box Talk card must be signed off by all participants & displayed in the immediate work place.
PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments)
6 HTK (Hazards that kill)- height work, vehicles
movement, electricity, housekeeping, confined space,
hazardous chemicals
Topics of tool box talk/ pep talk
i. PPEs
ii. Housekeeping
iii. Body protection like- eyes, ears, hands, legs, lungs,
skin etc.
iv. Working at night
v. Working at height
vi. Causes of accident
vii. Unsafe acts/ practices
viii. Unsafe/ Substandard conditions
ix. Cost of accident
x. Hot works (Welding/ Grinding/ Gas cutting)
xi. Excavation
xii. Confined space
xiii. Mansion work
xiv. Carpentry work
xv. Civil work
xvi. Electrical work
xvii. Chemical work
xviii. Mechanical work
xix. Loading /unloading
xx. Mechanical handling
xxi. Manual handling
xxii. Crane/ JCB/ Hydra/ Rig/ Tower crane etc.
xxiii. Driving safety
xxiv. Health, Safety and Environment
xxv. Road crossing Etc
31. What is industrial safety management?
Industrial safety management is that branch of management which is concerned with reducing, controlling and eliminating hazards from the industrial units.
32. What is first aid?
The immediate or quick help given to the injured person before arrival of a doctor is called first aid.
33. Why do you give first aid/ what is the purpose of First Aid?
- Preserve the life
- Prevent further injury
- Promote recovery
It gives some relief from pain and can help the victim to avoid farther injury and to some extant disability or even form death.
34. What is PPEs?
It stands for personal protective equipments. It is the barrier between hazards and person.
It’s extensively used by the workers in any industry as protective measures against injury both fatal & non-fatal. There are two types of PPEs-
1) Respirators
2) Non- respirators
35. What is confined space?
Confined space is defined as any area with limited means of access/ egress and the area is subject to
• Oxygen deficiency/enrichment
• Accumulation of flammable vapors or any
• Air born contaminants that exceeds established permissible exposure limit (PEL).
E.g. Vessels, tanks, seaways, sumps, pipeline, trench, ditch, ducts, silo, sludge, pits, excavation, bins etc.
Type of confined space-
a) Isolated hazard confined space
b) Permit required confined space
c) Continuous system permit required confined space
d) Controlled atmosphere confined space
36. What are the hazards at height work?
- Fall man
- Fall of machine, material
- Dizziness
- Fear from height
- Collapse of scaffold/ ladder
- Full body harness/ Life line failure
- Fall man
- Fall of machine, material
- Dizziness
- Fear from height
- Collapse of scaffold/ ladder
- Full body harness/ Life line failure
37. What is fall protection?
When working at 6’ (1.8m) height, fall protection required-- Guard Rail System
i. Top rail height, 42”±3”ii. Mid rail, 21”iii. Toa board, 3.5”- Personnel Fall Arrester System
i. Anchorageii. Connectoriii. Body belt/ Full Body Harness- Positioning Device System
- Safety Monitoring System
- Safety Net System
- Warning Line System
- Guard Rail System
- Personnel Fall Arrester System
- Positioning Device System
- Safety Monitoring System
- Safety Net System
- Warning Line System
38. What is mechanical hazard?
Failure of component of mechanical system due to faulty design, faulty material, and lack of repair and maintenance is called mechanical hazard.
39. How many types of tools?
1) Hand Tools 2) Power Tools
Hand Tools which are operated manually by operator/ workers.E.g. Chisel, hack saw, hammer, screw driver, hand drill etc.
Power Tools which are operated by electric/ motor/ air compressor.e.g. Drill machine, Grinder, Bench grinder, chipping machine, Vibrator etc.
40. What are the hazards in gas cutting?
- Fire and explosion due to leakage, gaseous atmosphere, flash back
- Infra Red radiation emission- eye injury
- Health hazards:- fumes, dust- lungs damage, dizziness
- Trailing gas hose- trip hazard
- Fall of cylinders on body
- Cylinder handling
Control Measure- Competent gas cutter
- Use of trolley for cylinder handling
- Use of non return valves & flash back arrestors
- Cutting work at designated area/ barricade the area
- Use of proper PPEs- face shield/ goggle, leather hand gloves, apron, safety shoes etc.
- Place the fire extinguisher near hot work
- Fire watcher
- Fire and explosion due to leakage, gaseous atmosphere, flash back
- Infra Red radiation emission- eye injury
- Health hazards:- fumes, dust- lungs damage, dizziness
- Trailing gas hose- trip hazard
- Fall of cylinders on body
- Cylinder handling
- Competent gas cutter
- Use of trolley for cylinder handling
- Use of non return valves & flash back arrestors
- Cutting work at designated area/ barricade the area
- Use of proper PPEs- face shield/ goggle, leather hand gloves, apron, safety shoes etc.
- Place the fire extinguisher near hot work
- Fire watcher
41. What are the hazards in grinding work?
- Electrical hazard
- Health hazard
- Fire hazard
- Fall/ trip hazard
42. What is electrical hazard?
Failure of component of electrical system due to faulty design, faulty connection, and lack of repair & maintenance is called electrical hazard.
43. What is chemical hazard?
The hazard caused by chemical agents is called Chemical Hazard.
44. What are chemical agents?
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Fumes, Dust, Vapor, Mist, Fog, Smock
45. What is flush point?
The temperature at which the flammable liquids yield a sufficient amount of vapor to produce flam if a source of ignition is supplied close to the surface of liquid is called flush point.
46. What is Fire ?
Fire is a chemical reaction which produces heat, smoke and light.
There are three components of fire
- Fuel
- Heat
- Oxygen
- If fuel is removed, called starvation.
- If heat is removed, called smothering.
- If Oxygen is removed, called blanketing.
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Direct contact
- Water Type
- Co2 Type
- DCP Type
- Foam Type
47. How to inspect fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher should be inspected monthly by user and yearly by third party.There are some points which must be checked in fire extinguisher-i. Typeii. Containeriii. Placementiv. Inspection tagv. Validityvi. Locking pinvii. Sealviii. Carrying handleix. Pressure gaugex. Nozzlexi. Operating leverxii. Puncher leverxiii. Valvexiv. Hose
48. Precaution for burn person?
1. It fire catches a single person’s cloth; he should immediately roll on the floor. 2. No lotion of any kind should be applied on the burn area 3. In case of burns due to corrosive chemicals, the burn parts should be flooded with water4. The burn area should be covered with dry sterile dressing 5. Physical shock of the person is treated by giving him weak tea or coffee 6. In major cases the patient should be sent to hospital as quickly as possible
49. What is LTEL? What is STEL?
LTELIt stands for long term exposure limit. The maximum concentration of chemical to which workers are exposed continuously up to 8 hours without any danger to health, safety & work efficiency.
STELIt stands for short term exposure limit. The maximum concentration of chemical to which workers are exposed continuously up to 15 min without any danger to health, safety & work efficiency.
50. What is MSDS?
Material Safety Data Sheet.
MSDS is a short technical report that explains how to use, handle and store chemicals safely.
51. How to give work clearance to Service department?
Work Clearance is a process used to ensure that all activities on site are undertaken with the knowledge and consent of the Shift In-charge who also is the permit issuer.
The permit acceptor is responsible to check the site conditions and ensure the task to be done and the tools to be used safely integrate with the daily operations of the site and any other activity that is scheduled to take place.
51. What are the responsibilities of an HSE Officer?
The HSE Officer acts an advisory capacity to the management and supervision with regards Health and Safety Environment,
He is to monitor and ensure that the activities are being performed with the acceptable safety norms.
Helping supervisors to identify the hazardous and unsafe conditions and ensuring rectifications.
Conducting tool box meeting, Supervisors safety meeting, conducting training in various topics, conducting safety incentive program, conducting safety auditing/inspection.
Taking disciplinary action against the violations.
Conducting risk assessment and JSA, pre task meeting and all other project related safety requirements.
Keep track record all incidents at site.
He is to investigate hazards and dangerous occurrences, examine the cause of accident, carry out safety inspection on site and what remedial steps/action has been under taken.
The HSE Officer acts an advisory capacity to the management and supervision with regards Health and Safety Environment,
He is to monitor and ensure that the activities are being performed with the acceptable safety norms.
Helping supervisors to identify the hazardous and unsafe conditions and ensuring rectifications.
Conducting tool box meeting, Supervisors safety meeting, conducting training in various topics, conducting safety incentive program, conducting safety auditing/inspection.
Taking disciplinary action against the violations.
Conducting risk assessment and JSA, pre task meeting and all other project related safety requirements.
Keep track record all incidents at site.
He is to investigate hazards and dangerous occurrences, examine the cause of accident, carry out safety inspection on site and what remedial steps/action has been under taken.
52. Explain Each Work Permit Validity? (as per KOC)
Hot / Cold / Radiography Permit:
Valid for a maximum duration of seven consecutive days from the date of issue subject to renewal by the permit issuer.
Note: Validity Period for Cold or Hot work permit in Non-Hazardous area can be extended for a maximum one month with approval from concerned Team Leader.
Confined Space Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous work shift or part thereof; however the permit is to be renewed / re-endorsed in case of crew change, transfer of responsibility, work suspension or as recorded in the permit.
Vehicle / Mobile Plant Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous works shift for Vehicle entry, whereas for Mobile Plant Entry it is valid for maximum 7 consecutive working days from the date of issue subject to renewal by Permit Issuer.
Hot / Cold / Radiography Permit:
Valid for a maximum duration of seven consecutive days from the date of issue subject to renewal by the permit issuer.
Note: Validity Period for Cold or Hot work permit in Non-Hazardous area can be extended for a maximum one month with approval from concerned Team Leader.
Confined Space Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous work shift or part thereof; however the permit is to be renewed / re-endorsed in case of crew change, transfer of responsibility, work suspension or as recorded in the permit.
Vehicle / Mobile Plant Entry Permit:
Valid for one continuous works shift for Vehicle entry, whereas for Mobile Plant Entry it is valid for maximum 7 consecutive working days from the date of issue subject to renewal by Permit Issuer.
53. Explain Each Work Permit Distribution? (as per KOC) Work Permit will be made out in FOUR COMPIES
- The Original for worksite
- 1st copy for Permit Applicant
- 2nd copy of all permits (except cold work permit) forwarded to FIRE TEAM by the permit issuer
- 3rd copy shall be retained by the issuing authority
Note: After completion of work and permit closure as per procedure… Original kept on record with Permit Issuer. 1st copy shall be retained by the Permit Applicant (for minimum 6 months). 3rd copy can be given to Worksite Supervisor for their record.
- The Original for worksite
- 1st copy for Permit Applicant
- 2nd copy of all permits (except cold work permit) forwarded to FIRE TEAM by the permit issuer
- 3rd copy shall be retained by the issuing authority
Note: After completion of work and permit closure as per procedure… Original kept on record with Permit Issuer. 1st copy shall be retained by the Permit Applicant (for minimum 6 months). 3rd copy can be given to Worksite Supervisor for their record.
54. What is e-WP (Electronic Work Permit)? (as per KOC)
Electronic Work Permit (e-WP) is a web-based solution through KOC intranet to manage electronically the authorization process of non-routine activities which are carried out in KOC business as per Permit to Work Procedure (KOC.SA.004).
Electronic Work Permit (e-WP) is a web-based solution through KOC intranet to manage electronically the authorization process of non-routine activities which are carried out in KOC business as per Permit to Work Procedure (KOC.SA.004).
55. What important details a work permits gives? It is a form, which is signed by higher responsible people to carry out the specific job. It clearly states:
- What is to be done,
- Where,
- When and
- What are the safety precautions to be taken.
- What is to be done,
- Where,
- When and
- What are the safety precautions to be taken.
56. What is Cold work, Hot Work and Radiography work?
Cold Work:
Any work that does not involve a source of ignition or naked flame or does not have spark generating potential is classified as a Cold Work.
Hot Work:
Any work which involves the use of naked or a source of ignition or spark generating potential is classified as a Hot Work.
Radiography Work:
Any work that involves the use of a radioactive source, shall be covered by a radiography work.
Cold Work:
Any work that does not involve a source of ignition or naked flame or does not have spark generating potential is classified as a Cold Work.
Hot Work:
Any work which involves the use of naked or a source of ignition or spark generating potential is classified as a Hot Work.
Radiography Work:
Any work that involves the use of a radioactive source, shall be covered by a radiography work.
57. What is the Excavation? And types of excavation?
Any man made cavity, cut, trench or depression on an earth surface formed by earth removal. Types of Excavation:
A. Manual Excavation: The excavation without using any powered equipment.
B. Mechanical Excavation: The excavation work using any electrical or mechanical equipment.
Any man made cavity, cut, trench or depression on an earth surface formed by earth removal. Types of Excavation:
A. Manual Excavation: The excavation without using any powered equipment.
B. Mechanical Excavation: The excavation work using any electrical or mechanical equipment.
58. Explain about Excavation Notification?
Excavation notification is a document to notify concerned authorities, who have responsibility and jurisdiction for safety and integrity of above ground and underground services existing at the propose site of excavation.
- Excavation notification must be supported by a work permit.
- Excavation notification is valid for 90 days from the date of issued.
- Excavation notification is required for all excavations regardless of depth.
Excavation notification is a document to notify concerned authorities, who have responsibility and jurisdiction for safety and integrity of above ground and underground services existing at the propose site of excavation.
- Excavation notification must be supported by a work permit.
- Excavation notification is valid for 90 days from the date of issued.
- Excavation notification is required for all excavations regardless of depth.
59. Why Excavation Notification required for excavation?
Excavation notification gives detailed information about the underground facilities and it is to be signed by all KOC concerned departments to confirm that the proposed excavation location has been identified and all safety measures have been taken for the existing underground facilities.
Excavation notification gives detailed information about the underground facilities and it is to be signed by all KOC concerned departments to confirm that the proposed excavation location has been identified and all safety measures have been taken for the existing underground facilities.
- Cave in or collapse of soil
- Risk due to presence of underground installations, pipelines, cables.
- Drowning due to water seepage into trench.
- Soil vibration due to machinery / heavy vehicles operations in the vicinity.
- Lack of Oxygen or asphyxiation etc.
- Underground obstruction or damage to buried pipelines & services
- Accidental fall of personnel or equipment inside a trench
- Struck / hit by excavating machinery
- Dropped / falling objects
- Flammable & / or toxic gas release
- Exposed to airborne contaminants
- Fire & explosion
- Electrical shock due to contact with energized electrical / telecom cable.
- Possible presence of explosive devices
- Damage to shallow underground services due to weight of heavy equipment such as mechanical excavator.
- Encountering wet soil (mixed with water) or reaching water table.
- Encountering contaminated soil
- Cave in or collapse of soil
- Risk due to presence of underground installations, pipelines, cables.
- Drowning due to water seepage into trench.
- Soil vibration due to machinery / heavy vehicles operations in the vicinity.
- Lack of Oxygen or asphyxiation etc.
- Underground obstruction or damage to buried pipelines & services
- Accidental fall of personnel or equipment inside a trench
- Struck / hit by excavating machinery
- Dropped / falling objects
- Flammable & / or toxic gas release
- Exposed to airborne contaminants
- Fire & explosion
- Electrical shock due to contact with energized electrical / telecom cable.
- Possible presence of explosive devices
- Damage to shallow underground services due to weight of heavy equipment such as mechanical excavator.
- Encountering wet soil (mixed with water) or reaching water table.
- Encountering contaminated soil
61. Enlist precaution to be taken prior to taken to and during excavation work? OR What is the safety precautions required for a safe excavation?
No excavation work in KOC area without clearance of Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD).
No mechanical excavation closer than 5 meters to any hydrocarbon carrying pipeline.
No mechanical excavation closer than 3 meter to a non-hydrocarbon carrying pipeline, cables and services.
For any excavation deeper than 1m, ladder must be positioned projecting minimum 1 meter above the edge of the excavations.
Ladders shall be provided every 7.5 meters (25 feet) of lateral travel in the trench.
Ladders shall be securely supported at the bottom as well as at the top.
Excavated material shall be placed 1m from the edge of the excavation for depth up to 1.2 meter.
(Accordingly placement of excavated material shall be increased proportion to the depth of excavation.)
Heavy equipment, machinery shall be kept at least 3 meters away from the edge.
Any walkway across trench shall have scaffold type platform with handrails.
All trenches shall have barrier (such as fixed guardrails) and reflective warning notices clearly displayed. Flashing lights are mandatory during poor visibility.
The access to plant, equipment and emergency services must not be obstructed by the trenches.
No mechanical excavation is allowed inside the existing KOC facilities (Gathering Center, Booster Station, water injection and handling facilities, etc.)
No excavation work in KOC area without clearance of Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD).
No mechanical excavation closer than 5 meters to any hydrocarbon carrying pipeline.
No mechanical excavation closer than 3 meter to a non-hydrocarbon carrying pipeline, cables and services.
For any excavation deeper than 1m, ladder must be positioned projecting minimum 1 meter above the edge of the excavations.
Ladders shall be provided every 7.5 meters (25 feet) of lateral travel in the trench.
Ladders shall be securely supported at the bottom as well as at the top.
Excavated material shall be placed 1m from the edge of the excavation for depth up to 1.2 meter.
(Accordingly placement of excavated material shall be increased proportion to the depth of excavation.)
Heavy equipment, machinery shall be kept at least 3 meters away from the edge.
Any walkway across trench shall have scaffold type platform with handrails.
All trenches shall have barrier (such as fixed guardrails) and reflective warning notices clearly displayed. Flashing lights are mandatory during poor visibility.
The access to plant, equipment and emergency services must not be obstructed by the trenches.
No mechanical excavation is allowed inside the existing KOC facilities (Gathering Center, Booster Station, water injection and handling facilities, etc.)
62. What is confined space?
Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and it is not designed for continuous occupancy.
There will be a presence of any hazardous substances such as flammable and toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, hot or humid atmosphere or any combination of it.
Examples: Process vessels, Tanks, Bins, Stacks, Large pipe, Duct, Pits & Trench etc. Any excavation with depth more than 1.2 meter.
Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and it is not designed for continuous occupancy.
There will be a presence of any hazardous substances such as flammable and toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, hot or humid atmosphere or any combination of it.
Examples: Process vessels, Tanks, Bins, Stacks, Large pipe, Duct, Pits & Trench etc. Any excavation with depth more than 1.2 meter.
63. What are the Confined Space Hazards?
A confined space may have one or combination of the following hazards:
Oxygen deficiency
Presence of flammable, combustible or pyrophoric materials (HC, Sludge etc.)
Presence of toxic gases, corrosive or hazardous materials (H2S, Co, NH3 etc.)
Poor illumination, Ventilation & Communication.
High temperature and humidity.
Limited entry & exit / Restricted access.
Restricted movement inside.
Falling / Tripping hazards
Presence of reactive or self-igniting material.
Hazard due to electricity or moving machinery.
Hazard due to pressurized fluid.
Hazard due to nature of work carried out inside confined space.
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Oxygen deficiency
Presence of flammable, combustible or pyrophoric materials (HC, Sludge etc.)
Presence of toxic gases, corrosive or hazardous materials (H2S, Co, NH3 etc.)
Poor illumination, Ventilation & Communication.
High temperature and humidity.
Limited entry & exit / Restricted access.
Restricted movement inside.
Falling / Tripping hazards
Presence of reactive or self-igniting material.
Hazard due to electricity or moving machinery.
Hazard due to pressurized fluid.
Hazard due to nature of work carried out inside confined space.
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64. What is the procedure for entering a confined space hazards? OR What are the important PRECAUTIONS for confined space?
Procedure for entering confined space:
1. Permit must be procured form operations, making sure of the following.
a. Complete isolation of the space to be entered.
b. Draining, depressurization and purging or cleaning should be performed.
c. Gas test should be conducted to ensure no hazardous atmosphere is present.
d. Space ventilation.
2. A Pre task meeting must be conducted with all authorized entrants prior to entering confined space.
3. The attendant (Stand by man) shall be assigned at the entrance to maintain communication with employees working inside to ensure their safety. A log book shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space.
4. Safety attendant must be trained and authorized to use gas testing equipment.
5. Entrants must wear body harness, and if necessary a life line be attached to the harness to avoid entry-rescue.
6. Lighting should be provided, if necessary a maximum of 24 volts, lighting should be used attached a GFCI.
7. Only intrinsically safe or explosion-proof equipment shall be used inside.
8. Depending on the situation, emergency rescue team may be put on standby.
9. If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
10. Barricade the area with warning sign board.
1. Permit must be procured form operations, making sure of the following.
a. Complete isolation of the space to be entered.
b. Draining, depressurization and purging or cleaning should be performed.
c. Gas test should be conducted to ensure no hazardous atmosphere is present.
d. Space ventilation.
2. A Pre task meeting must be conducted with all authorized entrants prior to entering confined space.
3. The attendant (Stand by man) shall be assigned at the entrance to maintain communication with employees working inside to ensure their safety. A log book shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space.
4. Safety attendant must be trained and authorized to use gas testing equipment.
5. Entrants must wear body harness, and if necessary a life line be attached to the harness to avoid entry-rescue.
6. Lighting should be provided, if necessary a maximum of 24 volts, lighting should be used attached a GFCI.
7. Only intrinsically safe or explosion-proof equipment shall be used inside.
8. Depending on the situation, emergency rescue team may be put on standby.
9. If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
10. Barricade the area with warning sign board.
65. What you know about working in a confined space entry? OR Explain about confined space entry?
Any enclosure having a limited means of entry & exit and it is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
Before entering in the confined space, must need to obtained a confined space entry work permit, make sure that all required isolation being done.
Frequently gas test is to be carried out to confirm that area is free of toxic gas or flammable atmosphere.
If the area is contaminated or it has oxygen deficiency the provided BA sets or air line respiratory system.
Conduct pre-task meeting for the employees who will be entering inside the confined area and get there signature to conform that they are aware of the hazards and safety measures.
The attendant (Stand by man) to assigned at the entrance. A log book shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space. The attendant shall not be assigned to other duties. If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
The entering people should use body harness with lifeline for the emergency rescue purpose.
Any required electrical lighting or tools should not exceed more than 24 volts and attached with GFCI / ELCB. It should be intrinsically safe or explosive proof.
Barricade the area with warning sign board.
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Before entering in the confined space, must need to obtained a confined space entry work permit, make sure that all required isolation being done.
Frequently gas test is to be carried out to confirm that area is free of toxic gas or flammable atmosphere.
If the area is contaminated or it has oxygen deficiency the provided BA sets or air line respiratory system.
Conduct pre-task meeting for the employees who will be entering inside the confined area and get there signature to conform that they are aware of the hazards and safety measures.
The attendant (Stand by man) to assigned at the entrance. A log book shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space. The attendant shall not be assigned to other duties. If an emergency occurs within the confined space, the standby person must not enter it until rescue team arrived.
The entering people should use body harness with lifeline for the emergency rescue purpose.
Any required electrical lighting or tools should not exceed more than 24 volts and attached with GFCI / ELCB. It should be intrinsically safe or explosive proof.
Barricade the area with warning sign board.
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66. Explain H2S? OR What is H2S and its characteristics explain?
• H2S is produced or generated by decomposition of organic materials.
• It is a highly toxic gas and highly flammable.
• Its smell like rotten egg at low concentrations and not detectable by order at high concentration.
• It is highly flammable. (flammable at 4.3% to 45.5% by volume in air)
• It is colourless.
• It is heavier than Air.(1.19)
• It is highly soluble in water and other liquid.
• When burned or flared it forms sulpher dioxide (SO2) which is also colorless and highly toxic gas.
• The exposure limits 10 PPM is the maximum allowed for 8 hours.
• Increasing exposure will cause headache and irritation of eyes.
• 800 PPM or more will be instantly fatal.
Exposure Limit:
TLV-TWA of H2S = 10 ppm
TLV-STEL of H2S = 15 ppm
IDLH of H2S = 100 ppm
Note: - Up to 10ppm work can be done without respiratory protection system. - 10 to 100ppm work can be done by SCBA or Air lined breathing apparatus. - Above 100ppm work not permitted, allowed only for rescue.
• H2S is produced or generated by decomposition of organic materials.
• It is a highly toxic gas and highly flammable.
• Its smell like rotten egg at low concentrations and not detectable by order at high concentration.
• It is highly flammable. (flammable at 4.3% to 45.5% by volume in air)
• It is colourless.
• It is heavier than Air.(1.19)
• It is highly soluble in water and other liquid.
• When burned or flared it forms sulpher dioxide (SO2) which is also colorless and highly toxic gas.
• The exposure limits 10 PPM is the maximum allowed for 8 hours.
• Increasing exposure will cause headache and irritation of eyes.
• 800 PPM or more will be instantly fatal.
Exposure Limit:
TLV-TWA of H2S = 10 ppm
TLV-STEL of H2S = 15 ppm
IDLH of H2S = 100 ppm
Note: - Up to 10ppm work can be done without respiratory protection system. - 10 to 100ppm work can be done by SCBA or Air lined breathing apparatus. - Above 100ppm work not permitted, allowed only for rescue.
67. What are prominent H2S HAZARDS?
H2S Hazards:
Eyes and respiratory irritation.
Dizziness, headache, nausea, abdominal pain.
Loss of consciousness, Brain damage possible, death / fatal.
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Eyes and respiratory irritation.
Dizziness, headache, nausea, abdominal pain.
Loss of consciousness, Brain damage possible, death / fatal.
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68. Explain the precautionary measures to be taken while approaching H2S prone area?
Precautionary Measures – H2S:
Sufficient number of escape masks shall be kept in areas where H2S is liable to present.
Incase H2S presence is suspected in an area, the persons must put on escape mask immediately and toxic gas test must be made immediately with appropriate detector to determined the concentration of H2S in air.
Working person should be equipped with personal detectors and alarming device to alert in case of H2S presence.
Incase of H2S alarm, all personnel should vacate the area after donning the escape set / breathing apparatus and report to the designated assembly point for mustering.
If working in H2S contaminated atmosphere must wear suitable BA set and work in pairs to support and rescue each other in the event of difficulties.
Know the wind direction and evacuate in the cross wind direction incase of H2S leak.
Never go to a low-lying area during H2S leak.
Paste H2S warning sign in H2S prone areas.
The presence or suspected of H2S in any part of the plant or sewer shall be reported immediately to supervisor and respective area fire station for arranging rescue and support.
Sufficient number of escape masks shall be kept in areas where H2S is liable to present.
Incase H2S presence is suspected in an area, the persons must put on escape mask immediately and toxic gas test must be made immediately with appropriate detector to determined the concentration of H2S in air.
Working person should be equipped with personal detectors and alarming device to alert in case of H2S presence.
Incase of H2S alarm, all personnel should vacate the area after donning the escape set / breathing apparatus and report to the designated assembly point for mustering.
If working in H2S contaminated atmosphere must wear suitable BA set and work in pairs to support and rescue each other in the event of difficulties.
Know the wind direction and evacuate in the cross wind direction incase of H2S leak.
Never go to a low-lying area during H2S leak.
Paste H2S warning sign in H2S prone areas.
The presence or suspected of H2S in any part of the plant or sewer shall be reported immediately to supervisor and respective area fire station for arranging rescue and support.
69. How to treatment of persons affected by H2S?
Positive pressure breathing apparatus must be worn by any persons attempting a rescue.
The victim must be immediately moved to fresh air, possibly in the upwind direction of the gas leak. The rescuer must be outside the contaminated area before removing his/her personal BA set.
If the victim has stopped breathing, resuscitation must be started immediately, using artificial respiration or a resuscitator if available.
Resuscitation must be continued until the victim starts breathing unaided or until qualified medical assistance arrives. Medical help must be summoned as soon as possible.
Positive pressure breathing apparatus must be worn by any persons attempting a rescue.
The victim must be immediately moved to fresh air, possibly in the upwind direction of the gas leak. The rescuer must be outside the contaminated area before removing his/her personal BA set.
If the victim has stopped breathing, resuscitation must be started immediately, using artificial respiration or a resuscitator if available.
Resuscitation must be continued until the victim starts breathing unaided or until qualified medical assistance arrives. Medical help must be summoned as soon as possible.
70. Which type of fire extinguisher is used for each class of fire? TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS & THEIR USE: (As Per KOC)
71. What is the different Hazardous Area Classification? (as per KOC) What you mean by Hazardous Area? What is Zone 0, 1 and 2.
Hazardous Area: Hazardous area is the zone in which a flammable atmosphere may be present during normal operation or under abnormal conditions. Classification of Hazardous Area:
Zone - 0: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is continuously present or present for a long period. (Typically more than 1000 hours/year.)
Zone - 1: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operations. (Typically 10 to 1000 hours/year)
Zone- 2: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to occur under normal operations and if it occurs, it will only exist for a short time. (Typically less than 10 hours/year)
72. Incase of Fire, Accident, Gas leak or Explosion what you will do?
How you will safeguard your people at the site incase of any leak? Whom & How do you communicate this emergency.
Inform to nearest fire station / Burgan fire station with clear details about the incident and emergency evacuation plan will be following up.
All running equipment must put off.
All people have to evacuate in the cross wind direction and calmly walk to the assembly area there on instructions will mount on the available transport, the transport will take all to a safe area.
Every section will have a head count by section head or time keeper or check that any one missing or not.
If anyone get hurt during explosion, gas leak, fire or accident, will be evacuated to the nearest medical center after giving first aid by qualified first aider or doctor.
Emergency officer will give clear instructions of situation improved or all will be evacuated to a safe area.
All work permits will become nullified during emergency automatically.
During emergency an appointed Sr. staff/Sr. safety officer will take charge as an emergency officer.
All will wait in the safe area until further instruction come from the emergency officer/KOC for either to return back to the work or to a safe area.
73. Enlist precaution to be taken prior to start the WELDING and GRINGDING works on the pipeline inside GC & why it is required?
Explain Safety Precaution for a Hot Work? OR What are the safety precautions you will take for a hot work? Following precaution should be taken during Welding / Hot Work.
Hot Work will start with a valid hot work permit.
If it is inside GC or Refinery then need to cover the welding point with proper fire blanket.
Frequent gas test to be carried out
Wet the area with water and pressurized firewater hose to be kept near the hot work area.
Combustible materials to be removed from welding point.
Keep the certified and valid fire extinguisher near the hot work area.
Trained and certified fire watcher should be present.
Equipment, which will be used for hot work to be inspected before starting up the job.
All welding machine must be connected with GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) or ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) and approved spark arrester.
All welding machines must be ground with static-earthing device.
All cable must be properly insulated and electrode holder, plugs and sockets must be in good condition.
The equipment or pipe, spool should be supported on a secured and firm base during welding or grinding.
All valves, flanges, drains, canals etc. where gas leaks or presence of flammable atmosphere is possible should be covered.
74. What are the Safety Precautions taken GAS WELDING & CUTTING?
Any hot work will start with a valid hot work permit.
Frequent gas test to be carried out.
In a gas welding or cutting operations, the oxyacetylene flames shall be ignited by the lighter specially designed.
The pressure regulators and gauges shall be suitable and in good working condition.
The cylinder valve must be closed before the regulator is removed.
Flash back arrestors should be fitted both end with the hoses to prevent flash back.
The adequate ventilation must be provided to expel toxic gases/fumes, if activities carried out inside a tank / vessel / any confined space.
All valves, flanges, drains, canals etc. where gas leaks or presence of flammable atmosphere is possible should be covered.
Combustible materials to be removed from welding point.
Valid Fire Extinguishers and Fire Watcher should be provided.
When need to cover the welding point with proper fire blanket.
When necessary, wet the area with water and pressurized firewater hose shall be provided.
Equipment, which will be used for hot work to be inspected before starting up the job.
All hose and cable, plugs and sockets must be in good condition.
75. What are the welding and cutting hazards?
Welding & Cutting HAZARDS:
Risk due to toxic gas & fumes generated while welding or cutting.
Fire or explosion started by flame, sparks and hot material from the activities.
Electrical shock from arc welding equipment.
Burn hazard due to heat generated while welding or cutting.
Weld bead particulars or slag entering unprotected eyes during chipping.
Inhalation of welding fumes.
Falling Gas cylinders.
Radiation from UV and Infra-Red (flash eye).
76. What will be your action if someone informs you about accident?
Ask him the location of the accident and the details.
After reached the location analyze the situation, if someone get hurt during accident must be evacuated to the nearest medical center after giving first aid by a qualified first aider or doctor.
Report to near fie station / Burgan fire station with clear location and details of the accident.
Report to client HSE Specialist and concerned project manager.
Investigate the accident and prepared an accident report with attached sketch and supporting documents and submit to client HSE Dept.
If the accident is major like Explosion / heavy fire / heavy gas leak then seek help from nearest fire station / Burgan fire station and follow up the evacuation procedure
77. What is the Pyrophoric Scale?
Pyrophoric scale is actually Iron Sulphide (FeS2) which develops inside pipeline or piping system. It will readily ignite when exposed air/oxygen (Exothermic Reaction – i.e. heat releasing).
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) or any Sulphur compound when it is react with iron it will form PyrophoricIron Sulphide.
It is highly flammable even exposure to the air. The best way to handle is to douse it with water and keep it thoroughly wetted until safe disposal.
In pipelines or equipments which carry gas or liquid and which contains Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Pyrophoric Scale or Iron Sulphide (FeS2) may be present.
78. What is EOD and what will be your responsibility if an EOD identified?
EOD is Stand for Explosive Ordinance Disposal. Incase of an EOD identified or an unidentified object find, mark the area so as to relocate it, keep away all workers from the particular area.
If possible detail a watchman and inform respective area fire station with clear details. Stop all activities at the location until cleared by KOC Ordinance Disposal Squad.
79. Define Lock out Tag out (LOTO) System?
Lock out & Tag out is a process to block the flow of chemical, mechanical and electrical energy from the source.
It will locked with lock system or padlock for not restore the energy and these should be tag on it.
Tag will be as warning do not operate.
Locks and tags will be normally be removed only by the person who installed them whenever work permit closed.
Before lock out and tag out make sure that a valid isolation permit being obtained.
80. Define Chemical Hazard Identification Tag?
Chemical hazard Identification Tag or Hazardous Material Classification Tag is a warning tag to inform that how much hazardous is the material contain e.g. fire, health, reactivity or specific hazard.
It is color coded,
Red for fire,
Blue for health,
Yellow for reactivity and
White for specific hazard like oxidizer, alkali, acid and corrosive etc.
81. What are the general precautions to be taken before and during using an ABRASIVE WHEEL?
Precautions - Abrasive Wheel:
Ensure the spindle speed doesn‟t exceed the maximum speed marked on the wheel.
Ensure fit the wheel on the spindle freely.
Tighten the spindle nut enough to hold the wheel in place without distorting the flange.
Do not stand in front of the rotated wheel.
Provide protective guard for a moving abrasive wheel and maintain proper alignment with the wheel.
For any bench mounted abrasive wheel, the wheel rest should be adjusted as close as practicable to the abrasive wheel, which shall be firmly secured.
Before mounting inspect closely for damage, perform sound-test or ring-test to ensure free from cracks/defects.
Don‟t adjust wheel while it‟s rotating and disconnect tools when changing the wheel.
Don‟t use expired abrasive wheel and removed damage/crack wheel and tag it “do not use”.
Must be used eye and face protective device (goggles, face shield etc.).
Wear the suitable respiratory protection also in case abrasive wheel generates dust.
A sign shall be posted near all fixed abrasive wheel.
82. What are the safety PRECAUTIONS to be taken while performing LIFTING OPERATION?
The load is clear of any obstruction
The load is securely slung (use tie ropes)
The security of the load is to be reconfirmed once the load is raised a few inches.
The crane is not used to drag the load or pull the slings beneath a few inches.
No movement is allowed under the suspended load.
Barricade the swing radius of the crane.
Never sling different size of tubular together
The crane hook is in central position over the load.
All equipment must be inspected by third party and validity of inspection must be checked.
Daily inspection sheet of cranes must be always available with crane operated.
SWL of the crane and hook shall be marked and highlighted.
Fire extinguisher of approved type & capacity.
Crane hook secured prevent swinging action in transit .
A calibrated SWL indicator &crane capacity chart prominently displayed in the cabin.
All loose material is to be removed from the top of the load.
Slings is protected from sharp edges by using suitable packing
Hooks used on lifting equipment should be fitted with safety device to prevent the load or sling displacement for hook.
Do not used wire rope slings if it is kinked, crushed, frayed or corroded.
Slings must never shortened by tying knots in them or by wrapping round a crane hook.
83. What are the Potential HAZARDS while performing LIFTING OPERATION?
Accidents hit or crush by hanging load.
Falling objects
Collapse of lifting equipment due to overload.
Overturning of the crane.
Failure of lifting gears such as wire ropes, hooks, shackle, eyebolts, chain etc.
84. What is Rigging & Slinging?
Rigging and Slinging is a part of mechanical handling activity which involves lifting and shifting of heavy material through the safe use of equipment, machinery or devices such as crane, wire rope, hooks, shackles, chain pulleys etc.
85. Explain about Compress Gas Cylinders?
Cylinders testing:
Contractors may be required to provide proof that compresses gas cylinders have been tested in excess of their normal maximum pressure when filled.
Cylinder connections:
Compresses gas cylinders shell is equipped with connections complying with compresses gas cylinders valve outlet and inlet connections –ANSI B 57.1-1975, or an equivalent standard (copy available for examination at the technical library).
Storage of cylinders- general:
The following requirement apply to the storage of Compresses gas cylinders; i.e. cylinders which do not have a gauge in place. Cylinders shall be shaded, if stored outside.
Cylinders stored inside:
a) Well –protected, well-ventilated, dry location.
b) At least 6m (20ft) away from combustible
86. What is dead man switch and what is the use of it?
Dead man switch is a control switch, which is connected with sand blasting nozzle (gun) to control the flow from sand blasting nozzle (gun) while sand blasting.
In case the hose nozzle loss from the sand blaster hands automatically the system will cut off and the individual and the property will be safe.
The nozzle shell is electrically grounded to prevent static electrical discharge or shocks to the operator.
Air line spray guns: airline spray gun operates at very high pressures: 140.6 to 170Kg/Sq Cm (2,000 to 2,500 Psi). They are extremely hazardous, since the jet is strong enough to slice through human flesh. The control switch or lever may have a catch device to hold switch or lever in the ON position; however, it shell be so adjusted that if it is dropped from height of 61 Cm (2Ft.) to a soil surface the device will immediately disengage, there by shutting of the gun.
The spray gun shall also be equipped with a safety catch that shall be activated when the gun is not in use.
87. What is Hazardous Waste? What is Non-Hazardous Waste?
What is Hazardous Waste?
Any waste (solid, sludge, slurry and liquid) which is either: combustible, explosive, inflammable, corrosive, reactive or toxic.
What is Non-Hazardous Waste?
Unwanted materials / substances other than the hazardous. They could be in the form of a solid, sludge, slurry and liquid.
The exceptions are:-
Materials sold for reuse/reprocessing
Surplus/Expired materials that are returned to the manufacturer or supplier
88. What is Reduction Minimization?
Process of reducing the quantity of waste produced through the review of operational practices, better inventory control and optimal use of raw materials.
a. Re-use :
The reuse of a material on more than one occasion
b. Recycling :
The reprocessing of waste into the same or a different product. Typical recyclable wastes include oils, glass, paper, plastics, etc.
c. Recovery :
The process of obtaining materials or energy values from collected waste for use or reuse.
89. What is defensive driving?
Defensive driving is
A. Driving to prevent accidents, in spite of the incorrect actions or others or adverse weather conditions.
B. Anticipate driving hazards and know how to protect yourself from them.
C. Be alert while driving by keeping your mind free of distractions and your attention focused on driving. Alertness involves watching and recognizing accident – causing factors instantly.
D. The professional has foresight and ability to recognize the traffic situations as far ahead as possible.
E. The driver must anticipate traffic problems that are likely to develop and decide whether these developments could be dangerous.
F. As a defensive driver every one must operate their vehicle in a manner to avoid contributing to an accident or being involved in a preventable accident.
G. To be a good driver you should respect all traffic laws and be courteous to other.
90. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT APPLICANT. Permit Applicant Responsibilities, Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT ISSUER. Permit Issuer Responsibilities, Enlist 5 main responsibilities of WORK SITE SUPERVISOR. Permit Work site Supervisor Responsibilities.
Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT APPLICANT. Permit Applicant Responsibilities
1. All the required information as stipulated in the permit must be entered before the permit is submitted for approval & authorization.
2. Any required preparatory work must be stipulated in the permit application.
3. All personnel under his responsibility must be advised of their responsibility under work permit system.
4. No job can begin until he is satisfied that the worksite supervisor understands his responsibilities under work permit system.
5. The safety gears and appliances required for the work must be available.
Enlist 5 main responsibilities of PERMIT ISSUER. Permit Issuer Responsibilities:
1. All hazards associated with the proposed work have been identified.
2. Before any work begins the work site is safely prepared, examined and all specified precautions have been taken.
3. Work permit that may interact or effect on another are cross-referred clearly.
4. The work is examined to ensure that it is in safe & acceptable condition:
When work is suspended.
Before re-starting the work.
When retiring to normal operation.
5. The shift change hand-over is properly followed and permit endorsement and transfer of responsibility have been completed.
Enlist 5 main responsibilities of WORK SITE SUPERVISOR. Permit Work site Supervisor Responsibilities:
1. He was detailed working knowledge of procedures related to his work activity.
2. He does not start any job requiring a work permit until it is authorized and issued.
3. He understands the limitations and restrictions of the work permit in order that the work party may proceed safely.
4. All members of the work party adhere to safe working practices and are fully conversant with the limitations, restrictions and hazards involved.
5. All precautions specified in the work permit are taken.
91. What are the fall protection systems?
Safety belt
Safety harness
Safety Net
Guard rail system
92. In which situation a chin strap for Helmet is compulsory?
High windy times & Working at height.
93. What are the criteria for selection of the respirators?
Physical, chemical & Toxic properties of the atmosphere
Type of contaminant
Respiration hazard
IDLH (Immediate Dangerous to Life/Health) of Concentration
Eye irritation potential
94. When performing the grinding work by hand grinding M/C ,What are the hazards will u expect?
Eye injuries due to flying particles(metal chips)
Wheel bursting
Electric shock
Cloth caught
95. What is intrinsically safe concept?
The electrical equipment, which will be used in the hazardous atmosphere. Must be intrinsically safe and certified.
Intrinsically safe electrical equipment‟s spark will not expose in the atmosphere it will be confined in the equipment itself.
96. What are the parameters of Risk management?
1. Identify
2. Evaluate
3. Recover
4. Mitigate
5. Prevent
97. What is flash back arrester?
It is a valve, which is protecting cylinders from backfire. It calls NRV (non-return valve).
HAZAN - Hazardous Analysis
QRA - Quantified Risk Analysis
HAZOP - Hazardous Operation
HAZCH - Hazardous Chemical
HAZAMAT - Hazardous Material
99. What is your understanding about HSE awareness? Write in full details. Promoting and disseminating the health safety and environment programs.
100. How do you implement HSE during construction through commissioning of the project and on what basis?
To ensure that all major hazards which can cause harm to people environment or property have been identified, suitable control and recovery measures are implemented.
Basis: - Enforcing safety rules and procedures.
101. What is your concept of safety review of documents and drawings?
The safety review of documentation is to decrease the system operation and serve as a permanent reference to the implementation to avoiding information – Dependent or Individuals.
102. What is SHORING?
Shoring is a support to prevent trench collapsing. If side of the trenches is unstable, soft or chances to collapse then shoring is essential. It is to be made by COMPETENT PERSONS.
103. General safety precautions in construction?
1. Adequate first aid equipment should be kept ready
2. Adequate firefighting equipment should be available
3. All general electrical rules should be followed
4. Suitable lighting arrangements should be necessary at night work
5. Work men at height should be wear safety belts
6. Work men handling cement should be provided with goggles, rubber gloves and rubber boots by nose mask.
7. The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
8. The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
9. Excavated material should not kept near the excavated
10. Very short duration of work red flags must be hoisted and more duration red banners must be stretched
11. Defective tools should not be used
12. The worker should not carry tools in his hands when climbing a ladder
13. Excavation should be guarded by suitable fencing
104. How to erect scaffolding?
1. It should be erected on levels firm ground
2. It erected by trained / skilled person
3. It is constructed using metal pipes and wooden boards
4. It should be design and constructed from good and sound material
5. Not to be erected on loose earth
6. Clamps should fixed
7. Properly bracing
8. Sole plate is necessary the base of vertical pipe
105. Safety precaution of scaffold?
1. Wooden board not is painted
2. Wooden board should not to any cracks
3. Check for rust in pipes / clamps
4. Clamps should fixed and good quality
5. Boards’ thickness should be 3.4 cms and no bending
6. The construction must be rigid, properly based
7. Use of good and sound materials
8. The wooden bellies have not joints
9. Vertical poles should not be more than 6 feet
10. Chains, ropes used for the suspension of scaffoldings
11. Never throw any materials from height
12. Use safety harness while working at above 6 feet
13. Properly ties to be arrangement
106. What control measures are necessary in confined space?
1. Enter with airline BA sets
2. Use 24v flame proof hand lamps
3. A hole watch to be kept near man hole
4. Keep firefighting equipment ready
5. Gas test to be done to check for oxygen level
6. Provide blowers 7. Don’t smoke in confined space
8. Use ropes and harness
9. The spaces clean before entry
10. Use non sparking tools it there is any risk of flammable vapors being present.
107. Safety rules when using ladders?
1. The foot wear is not greasy, oily and muddy and has a good grip on the rungs.
2. When climbing or coming down a ladder should be face the ladder side and had on with both hand.
3. Carry light tools in pockets in a shoulder bag.
4. Hold on with at least new hand if use of both hands then, use safety belt
5. Never climb higher than the third rung from the top on straight or second tired from the top on extension ladder.
6. Step ladder must be fully open and the divider locked
7. Metal ladder shall not be used near electrical equipment’s.
8. Metal ladder shall not be place on firm footing and at angle of 75
9. Any ladder found defect in any way should be marked do not use
10. Ladder shall not be placed on a box or drum.
11. Rubber protection on head and heel of a ladder is necessary.
108.Safety rules insuring oxygen cylinders?
1. Oxygen cylinders should not be kept near combustible materials.
2. Oxygen cylinders should not be handled with grassy hands or gloves.
3. Oxygen cylinders and their fittings should not be tested with oil based soap solution.
4. Oxygen cylinders and other combustible gas cylinders should not be stored together.
5. The top cover of the cylinder should be kept in position and screwed safety when not in use.
6. Cylinders should not be used as rollers for moving materials
7. Oxygen must not be used for ventilating confined spaces.
109. Safety rules in using compressed air?
1. Only authorized persons should use compressed air.
2. The body or clothes should not be cleaned with compressed air.
3. Compressed air hose pipes should not be placed across passage ways
4. Leakage of compressed air should not be tested with hands.
5. While working with tools run by compressed air safety shoes are to be used.
6. The tools should not be kept on position when not in use.
110. Handling of compressed gas cylinders?
1. They are not to be dragged or dropped
2. They should be stored in dry and well ventilated places
3. Chins and slings should not be used for lifting cylinders.
4. the caps of the cylinders should not be removed when they are not the use.
5. Cylinders should not be stored near hot sources
6. Acetylene cylinders should not be stored horizontally
7. Empty cylinders and fully cylinders should be stored separately
8. Leakage cylinders removed to open space and release the gas without getting ignited.
111. Storage of gas cylinders.
1. Cylinders should store in a safe, dry and well ventilated store
2. Oxygen cylinders should be stored horizontally and acetylene cylinders shall be stored vertically.
3. The standing cylinders should be secured properly avoids falling.
4. Flammable gas shall be stored at least 50 feet away from another building
5. Oxygen cylinder shall never be stored necessary flammable gas cylinder
6. Empty cylinder shall be identified by marking with a chalk (MT) and checked for damage before returning to suppliers.
7. Cylinders should not be kept as supports.
112. Give a brief note about crane and LE?
1. Only authorized and competent person should operate cranes
2. The correct sling must be used for the load to be lifts
3. Lifting equipment must be certified from competent authority and mark with its SWL
4. Never be used for loads excess of its SWL
5. Cables and slings must be padded when passing over sharp edges of equipment
6. Check the condition of the ground before parking the crane and use out riggers
7. All moving parts must be guarded
8. Uncertified chains, ropes, slings and hooks should not be use
9. All slings to be inspected by third party inspectors
10. Never stand or work under a suspended load
11. Place the out riggers on firms ground
12. Guide ropes shall be used to control swing of lifted material
13. Never operate the crane at the time of speed wing
14. Lifting over live equipment should not be encouraged
15. The crane should undergo periodical maintenance as per manufactures
113. Give brief note about fork lift truck?
1. Check breaks, lift tilt and tires.
2. Check the stability of load before moving it
3. Never leave your fork lift truck un-attend with motor running
4. Never park fork lift truck on passage way
5. Never drive with wet or greasy hands
6. Always drive with a safe speed and slow down at turning point
7. When driving without load forks about 6 inches above the floor or ground
8. Never operate trunk in gaseous area
9. Never carry a load so high that you cannot head, If necessary operate truck in reverse
10. Avoid carrying lose materials on forks
11. Never allow one to go under elevated loads
12. Warn other employees to stand clear when staking or removing materials
13. Exhaust pipe should have flame arrestor
14. Fork should be lowered to the floor when the truck is unattended 15. Stay alert all times
114. Give a brief about grinding?
1. Proper wheel shall be used a per the grinding M/c’s specification
2. All the grinding M/c’s shall be used with wheel guard
3. Grinding cables shall not mingle with welding cables
4. All the cables shall be protected from damage
5. Provide face shield with safety helmet
6. Never use fracture wheel
7. Excessive fighting of maintaining is dangerous
8. All guards should be in position before the machine operated
9. The speed of the grinding should match in the speeds of the grinding machines
10. Only skill person should be handle this work
11. Testing of wheel is necessary
115. Describe about vehicles and plants?
1. All vehicles requiring security vehicles pass
2. All drivers should have valid driving license
3. Drivers should not use fork lift trucks for carrying passengers
4. All traffic regulations and speed limit should be strictly followed inside the plant area
5. All vehicles area in a road worthy condition
6. Vehicles park in the operation area must always unlocked with in ignition key in position
116. Precaution of excavation?
1. Excavation area should be suitable barricade
2. Put sign boards lights and flags
3. Avoid heavy vehicle coming near the sides
4. PPE like helmet, safety shoes should be used
5. Keep the excavated soil at least 5 feet distance
6. Excavated sides should be sloped bake to a safe angle
7. Hand excavation should be done at the present of UG pipes or cables place
8. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom
9. All narrow trenches 4 feet or more deep shall be supplied at least one ladder
10. While excavating on the slope on the slope whose height is over 10 feet men should use safety belts
117. What are advantages of JSA? (Job safety Analysis)
1. It helps to identify hazards and prevent accident
2. It helps to establish safe work method, working conditions and suitable plant safety rules
3. It helps to assess the safety training four heading can be used for JSA.
4. It helps to inspection the plant
a) Name of operation for JSA
b) Description of the operation
c) Hazards
d) Precautions
118. What is tool box talk?
1. Job related safety aspects
2. Job related hazards / risk
3. Control / preventive measure
4. Adequacy of PPE’s / condition
5. Following safety rules / procedures
6. Safe work procedures / methods
119. Describe different types of hazards?
1. Mechanical hazards --- in adequately guarded machines parts
2. Chemical hazards --- of toxemic gasses, vapors, fumes, smoke in dust.
3. Electrical hazards --- in adequately insulated line wires
4. Fire hazards – chemical reaction, electrical Arcs
5. Radiation hazards – dazing light in framed ray’s ultra violet rays
6. Pollution --- water pollution & noise pollution
120. What is inspection?
Inspection means to find out hazards according to checklist prepared with reference to the department operations by the people who are familiar with the plant.
121. Plant safety inspection by whom?
By Safety officer
By line management personal
By senior management personnel First line supervisor
By maintenance engineers
By workers
By safety committee
By statutory authorities
122. How many types inspection?
There are 5 types inspection; pressures of boilers ( supervisor)
1. Continuous inspection – select employees / operator
2. Periodical Inspection – material storage, firefighting equipment, handling equipment
3. Intermittent inspection – un announced inspection done by safety officer, safety committee. (Particular work spot)
4. Statutory inspection – storage area, location at height ( cranes, ropes, chains, it my tackles inspection)
5. Special inspection – accident investigation Inspection of new building, general lighting, use of PPE’s etc. construction work.
123. What is safety management?
Safety management is an act and science of setting safety objectives of the industrial company.
124. What is accident investigation?
Accident investigation means to carry out immediately the occurrence of accident to find out real facts to avoid the future accident.
125. What is accident statistics?
It means to maintenance of accident details
126. How to investigate an accident?
Injured person’s name, address, designation age
Exact place and types of hazards
Date, shift, time
To find out the causes/ reasons
To take correction action
Fact finding not fault finding
127. How to report an accident?
1. Date and time
2. Activity
3. What happened
4. Person involved
5. What went wrong
6. Causes
7. Corrective action suggested
8. Signature
9. Safety officer
10. Safety in charge
11. Project manager
128. What is accident prevention?
Accident prevention may be defined as an integrated program and directed to control un safe mechanical or physical condition.
129. Role of management in industrial safety?
1. A written safety policy is issued by the management’s towards men, material and machines.
2. The safety policy should bring out the management’s towards men, material machine.3
3. The safety policy should be circulated to top, middle and to workers
4. Management meeting should be in a position
5. Management should arrange for safety inspection (once in 3 months ) and safety audit ( once in year) to be carried out.
130. Give a brief note about safety policy?
1. The safety and health of all employees is one of prime concerned of the company.
2. Every company will be requires to the policy both in letter and in spirit.
3. The company shall comply straightly with act, laws, rules and regulations
4. The company shall impart raining in health safety and occupational health to all employees.
5. The company will adopt own safety and health standards where laws may not be available.
131. Safety in the use of hand trucks?
1. The truck should be inspected
2. The axles should be greased well
3. Safety shoes should be work by the operators.
4. The load should be balanced and the weight of the load should not fall on the axle
5. The hard cart should not be wider than the width of the hand truck.
6. The hard cart should be pushed and not pulled
7. The truck should not be placed on path ways.
132. How many types of safety?
There are three types of safety.
a. Plant safety b. Workers safety 3. Consumer safety
133. Human factors causing accidents?
1. Carelessness
2. Fooling bout it
3. Hurrying to increase production
4. Laziness in housekeeping
5. Hurrying in Lunchtime
6. Lack of attention due to worry
7. Alcohol and drugs
8. Lack of skill and experience
9. Not using PPE
134. Give some examples about unsafe act?
1. Operating any equipment without properly authority
2. Failure to warning
3. Operating at unsafe speed
4. Failure to use PPE
5. Using hands instead of tools and equipment
6. Unsafe loading or placing or stacking
7. Unsafe position/ posture
8. Working on moving equipment’s
9. Wearing loose clothes while working on running machine
10. Working at height without safety belt
135. Give some examples about unsafe conditions?
1. Un guarded machine/ equipment
2. Poor lighting
3. Narrow road
4. Improper stacking
5. Oil on floor
6. Unsafe ventilation
7. Unsafe defective construction
8. Defective condition of tools and equipment
9. Unsafe method or procedure
10. Bad housekeeping
136. Write about accident sequence?
A personal injury occurs only as the result of an accident and an accident occurs only as the result of a unsafe action or un safe mechanical or physical conditions or both.
Unsafe action or unsafe condition or mechanical or physical condition exist only because of faulting the part of persons.
Fault of persons acquires from the environment and the causes for lack of knowledge or skills or improper attitude.
137. Write uses of extinguisher for purpose?
1. Water type extinguisher – Class A fire (not be B & E)
2. Foam type extinguisher – Class B fire (S.B + A.S.= Co2)
3. Carbon dioxide extinguisher Class C Fire 4. DCP Extinguisher – Class C, D or E
138. What precautions are necessary for protection of fires?
1. Buildings and plants shall be so laid out and roads, passage ways etc.
2. Doors and windows shall be located in suitable positions on all external walls of the building.
3. Smoking lighting or carrying matches are to be prohibited
4. Gas cylinders should not be stored near high flammable substances
5. Flammable liquids shall be stored in suitable containers with close fitting covers.
6. In every factory has to suitable firefighting equipment
7. All firefighting equipment shall be subjected to routine maintenance inspection and testing by proper trained persons.
8. Sufficient number of persons shall be trained in the proper handling of firefighting equipment.
139. Precaution for burn person?
1. It fire catches a single person’s cloth; he should immediately roll on the floor.
2. No lotion of any kind should be applied on the burn area
3. In case of burns due to corrosive chemicals, the burn parts should be flooded with water
4. The burn area should be covered with dry sterile dressing
5. Physical shock of the person is treated by giving him weak tea or coffee
6. In major cases the patient should be sent to hospital as quickly as possible
140. Factory act?
Sec.’6’ Registration of a factory
Sec.’11’ Cleanliness
Sec.’13’ Ventilation and temperature
Sec.’17’ Lighting
Sec.’18,19’ Drinking water and sanitary
Sec.’23’ Employment of young person on dangerous mechanical
Sec.’28’ Hoist and lifts
Sec.’29’ Lifting machines and tackles
Sec.35’ protection of eyes
Sec.’36’ Precaution against danger fumes
Sec.’36(A)’ Use of portable electric light
Sec.’38’ Protection in case of fire
Sec.’40(A)’ Maintenance of building
Sec.40(B)’ Safety officers duty
Sec.’45’ First aid boxes
Sec.’111’ Obligation of workers
141. How many steps in safety?
There are 4 steps in safety
1. Policy
2. Implementation
3. Take advantages of factory act
4. Safe working conditions.
142. Write causes of accidents?
Direct cause: Unsafe act and unsafe condition.
Indirect Cause:
1. Lack of knowledge or skill
2. Improper attitude
3. Physical or mental deficiency
143. Personal protective equipment’s? (P.P.E)
1. Head protection - Hard hat, cap, and helmet Made – aluminum, PVC, fiber glass, Plastic Protect – heal, spark, danger materials
2. Face and eye protection – Spectacles, Welding goggles, face shield Protect – flying particles, radiation
3. Hand protection – Gloves, hand pads Made – leather, rubber, PVC, asbestos Protect – acid, oil grease, pure Alex rubber gloves electrical
4. Foot and leg protection – Safety shoes, gum boots, foot leg guard Made – Metal, leather, rubber Project – falling materials and electrical work
5. Body protection - Apron, hood, coverall, jacket Made rubber, leather canvas, lead, PVC asbestos hood – Firefighting Rubber, PVC full suit – ( Corrosively liquid, fumes, vapor Safety belts – work exceeds 3 mts
6. Ear production – earmuff – noise – 30 – 135DB 7. Ear plug – 115 – 120 DB
144. What is safety management?
Safety management is an art and science of setting safety objectives of the Industrial company and related activities of planning, administration, Improving, Various functions to achieve the safety objectives.
145. What are the objectives of safety management?
1. Taking care of workers and staff in the event of an accident
2. Providing health full environment and surrounding
3. Welfare
4. Continuous vigil and improvement
146. How many types of PPE?
There are two types of PPE
1. Respiratory
2. Non respiratory
Respiratory --- Air supplied --- Air purified
Air supplied --- Compressed air breathing apparatus set
Air purified --- Canisters gas mask ---- Chemical cartridges respirator -------- Surgical cotton mask
Dust filter mask (dust respirator)
147. What is blanket permit?
A blanket permit is a permit issued on the basis of location where the multiple jobs are to be carried out at safe location.
148. What is delegated work permit?
Delegated work permit used for areas requiring light control. Ex : Fabrication, yards – valid – 30 days
149. How many types of accidents?
There are 4 types of accidents
1. Near miss accident – escape
2. No lost time reported 48hrs. before
3. Los time – reported 48hrs. after
4. Fated – Death
150. Heinrich accident ratio? Bird accident ratio?
Major injury
Minor injury
No injury
Bird accident ratio?
Property damage
No visible injury
151. What are the pre cautions for welding?
• Remove all combustion material from the place of welding
• Clear the work area and cover wooden floor with fire proof mats. (welding mechanic should be kept with in the visibility of the welders.
• Erect fire resistance screen around the work
• All welding cables should be fully insulted
• All welding mics shall be double earthed
• Welding area should be dry and free from water
• Keep the fire extinguisher/sand really
• Use leather hand gloves, goggles, and helmets
• Switch off the power when welding is stopped
• Do not allow the helper to do welding
• Do not shift he welding cable unless the electric power is switched off.
• Do not allow the helper to carry the welding. The terminal of the welding cables should be provided 3-cable with lugs and kept tight.
• Oxygen hose in black and acetylene hose in red in color as per standard
• Nrv of the blow torches should be maintained properly avoid back fire
• Welders should be trained properly
• Cylinders should be stored in a cold dry place away bottom heat and direct sunlight.
• Proper house keeping, good ventilation in the working area
• Smoking should be avoided from welding area
• Hose connection should be proper made
• Barricade the work area and put a sign board
• Rolling of cylinders should be avoided
• Flash back arrestor should be attached to each cylinder
• Any leakage of cylinder should be kept separately
152. What are the precautions for gas cutting?
• Keep fire extinguisher nearby
• Keep fire watch nearby
• Remove all combustible from work area
• Use all necessary PPE
• Never put welding gas cylinder in side a confined space
• Hoses shall not be laid in path ways
• Gas cutting torch should have flash back arrestors
• Gas test to be done to check for the presence of flammable gas in site.
• Good house keeping and ventilation necessary in working area.
• Hose connections should be made properly
153. What are the precautions for “sandblasting”?
• The compressed airline, hoses and another fitting must installment firmly without leaks the hose.
• Mis use compress are should be avoided
• A fresh air hood or mask must be worn
• House keeping can be done period cally
• Fire extinguish her shall be kept near by
• Dust mask ear plugs/muffs should be used
• No sand blasting shall be done on top of floating roof tank in service.
• Use goggles & face shield
• Sand blasting operation must be gas free
154. What is the precaution for “painting”?
• All flammable material should be cleared from the work area
• The required protective clothing and equipment must be worn
• Cartridge respirators shall always be worn
• Adequate ventilation is necessary
• Adequate washing facilities must be readily available
• Barrier cream should be applied to the skin
155. What are the hazards in welding?
• Eye injury
• Burn injury arc realization
• Electrical shock light arc radiation
• Heat, light, and radiation affect heat fume
• Poisonous gases chipped price of weld metal
• Fire
• Explosion scattering
• Noise sparking
• Sparkling
• Flying sand
156. What are hazards and injuries in manual handling?
• Cutting fingers due to sharp edges
• Burns due to handling of hot articles
• Foot injuries due to dropped articles
• Slipped disc due to improper posture in lifting on object
• Strains to wrist or fingers
• Sprains, wounds hernias, fractures
157. Cause of accidents in manual handling?
• Improper lifting
• Carrying too heavy loads
• Improper gripping
• Failure to use PPE
• Lifting greasy, oily and irregular objects
• Poor physique
158. What precautions are needed to avoid the accident in manhandling?
• Stand at safe distance from the load
• Sharp edge and burns are removed before lifting a
• PPE such as safety gloves and safety shoes are to be
• If the weight is too heavy for one person to lift, then he has to seek the assistance.
• The pathway is not blocked by obstacles while carrying the load.
• The different actions, movements, and forces necessary while carrying the load.
• Modify the task by using hooks and crow bars.
• Mechanical equipment like cranes shall be used.
• Modify the objects
• Change the way things are used.
159. Tips for manuals handling?
• Plan
• Clear the path
• Move in close to the load
• Secure your grip
• Hold your head upright
• Maintain normal curves of the spine
• Power the lift with legs and body weight
• Don’t twist
160. Cause of accidents in mechanical handling?
• The sudden failure of wire rope or a chain
• Slipping of the load from the sling
• Swinging of the load at the time of lifting
• The load sometimes hits the man
161. What are the accidents in “poor house keeping”?
• Men getting hit by falling from overhead
• Men slipping as greasy, wet or dirty floor
• Men failing in open tank without cover in level floor
• Accidents due to poor lighting
• Fire accidents due to faulty electrical wires
162. What are the advantages in good house keeping?
• It helps in the reduction of accidents including fire accidents
• It saves the property damages
• It improves employee morale
• Better productivity
• Working area becomes presentable
• Human energy is conserved
• Visitors are very much satisfied
• The burden of supervisor is reduced
163. How to care and maintenance of hand tools?
o Tools must be kept clean and free from corrosion
o Keep metal parts lightly oiled
o Remove burrs from edges of tools and heads of chisels.
o Tools which are not in use must be stored separately
o A good worker regularly inspects his tools
o Do not use tools without handles
164. How to prevent accidents of “power tools”?
• The operators should wear face shields or safety glasses
• Power tools should be placed in the store room after use
• Power tools should have protected by guards
• Pneumatic hoses or electric cables of power tools should not pass through passage ways.
• The electrical power tools should be properly earthed
• Never horse play with hose of pneumatic tools
• Power tools machines should be maintained and operated properly.
165. What are the causes of accidents of “hard tools”?
• Due to wrong way using of tools.
• Due to defective condition of tools
• Due to failure of using right tools for right job
• Due to wrong way of carrying tools
• Due to strong of tools in safety
166. what precautions are necessary for electrical work?
• All electrical installations shall be as per standard electricity rules
• Only competent persons should handle the electrical equipment.
• The equipment should be earthed properly
• All temporary electric lines should be drawn at least above man’s height
• Cable should be completely insulted
• Cable should not have any joints
• Only connection for one point
• Good house keeping on the area
• Fire protection equipment to be kept near by
• Use rubber gloves and rubber boots
• Use good quality of wire
• Power isolation close to the job
• Use three pin plug instead of loose wire
• Never operate any electrical equipment with wet hands
• Never stand wet surface while working electrical equipment
• During thunder storm do not stand under tree
• Proper sign board is necessary
• No person shall work on any live electrical conductor
• The switch shall only be put on by person who switched it off
167. What are the hazards in construction?
• Fall of person from top and getting injured
• Fall of objects from top and below person injury
• Fall of materials from top and damaged
• Person falls into excavated pit
• Collapse of soil and below person get injury or may
• Damage of ug cables and sewage pipe
• Collapse of scaffolding and person fall from height, get injury
• Electrical shock
• Fire and explosion
• Burn injury
• Health and lung problems
• Snakes bite
• Poisonous gas
• Foreign body in eye
168. Cause of accident in construction?
• Erection equipment failure
• Falling of persons from height
• Electrical shocks
• Improper lighting
• Non-stop working by worker
• Up safe work methods
• Collapsing of earth during trench excavation
• Failure of use safety equipment
• Working a height without safety belt
169. General safety precautions in construction?
• Adequate first aid equipment should be kept ready
• Adequate fire fighting equipment should be available
• All general electrical rules should be followed
• Suitable lighting arrangements should be necessary at night work
• Work men at height should be wearing safety belts
• Work men handling cement should be provided with goggles, rubber gloves and rubber boots by nose mask.
• The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
• The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
• Excavated material should not be kept near the excavated
• Very short duration of work red flags must be hoisted and more duration red banners must be stretched
• Defective tools should not be used
• The worker should not carry tools in his hands when climbing a ladder
• Excavation should be guarded by suitable fencing
170. Safety standards for basic PPEs
HELMET: --------------- Z-89.1 1981 (ANSI) *5240 (BS)
SAFETY GLASS:--------- Z-87.1 1968 (ANSI) *2092 (BS)
SAFETY HARNESS------ Z-359.1 & Z-10.14 (ANSI) *1397 (BS)
SAFETY SHOES---------- Z-41.1 1967 (ANSI)
RESPIRATOR------------- Z-88.2 1992 (ANSI)
171. What is Work Method Statement?
It is the document submitted by contractor to client, covering the general work procedure of a particular job in a safe manner as per required standard.
172. What is the use of W.M.S.?
We can plan and execute the work easily and safely. It also helps to know the Codes and Standards used for each activity.
173. Who is a Confined Space Attendant?
He is one who is aware of the confined space hazards and know how to react if anything goes wrong, able to maintain confined space entry log sheet etc.
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174. What are the hazards in a confined space?
Oxygen deficiency or enrichment, present of toxic or flammable gases, chemical hazard, fire hazard, fall of materials, fall hazards, electrocution, dust, sound, heat or cold, caught in between moving parts of equipment's, engulfment, etc.
175. What are the duties of a confined space attendant?
He is responsible for the safety of entrants, should be present whenever people are working in confined space, maintain update entry log sheet, maintain continuous communication with entrants and monitor conditions in the confined space to ensure a safe working atmosphere, prevent unauthorized entry of personnel, initiate alarm for help if needed, evacuate the entrants if conditions are not satisfying or incase of any general evacuation is initiated, contact rescue personnel if necessary, etc.
176. Give some examples of a Confined Space?
Pipes, Vessels, Tanks, Boilers and Tubes areas, Silos, Trenches and Excavations deeper than 4 feet, Sludge pits, Duct works, etc.
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177. Who is a competent person?
Is one who is properly trained and authorized to perform a specific work in a safe manner.
178. Who make an accident report?
Concerned area supervisor or site safety representative.
179. Who makes an accident investigation report?
A team of front line supervisor, HSE manager, Sub-Contractor representative if sub-contractor personnel are injured, high officials depending upon the severity of accident.
180. What is the use of the accident investigation report?
To find out root cause of the accident, make recommendations to prevent re-occurrence and evaluate the effectiveness of emergency response.
201. What are the responsibilities of a fire-watch?
Ans: Fire watch is a person designated to identify and eliminate fire hazards, alert and extinguish fire incase of any outbreak of fire and to protect the person and properties from a fire. He is the man to react first incase of fire by keeping a close watch on such hazardous areas.
202. What is color coding system? Who can color code?
Ans: This is the system followed to inspect and ensure the serviceability of tools, equipment's periodically (normally it is monthly) like fire extinguishers, full body harness, lifting gears, electrical codes and cables, power tools, etc.
These things are inspected by combatant person and are indicated by putting the color of particular month (this color is decided in advance and is being followed by all people at particular site).
The items which are found defective or unserviceable will not be color coded and has to be removed from service.
Who can color code?
Ans: Competent Person.
203. What is the maximum distance between two adjacent accesses in a long excavation?
Ans: A ladder must be present within 25ft., of employees working in excavation.
In open excavation – At every 30 meters on the perimeter, if less than 1.2 meters deep.
- At every 7.5 meters on the perimeter, if more than 1.2m deep.
204. What is an excavation considered as a confined space?
Ans: If depth is more than 1.2 meters.
205. Who can erect a scaffolding?
Ans: Certified scaffolder.
206. Who can inspect the components used for erecting a scaffold?
Ans: A competent and certified scaffolding supervisor.
207. What is a tag system?
Ans: A tag is put on scaffolding, by a competent person, indicating the present condition whether it can be used and whether fall protection needed or not.
Red Tag: Do not use (Is being erected of dismantle)
Yellow Tag: Can be use with 100% fall protection (is incomplete or cannot be completed)
Green Tag: Safe to use (Scaffolding is complete)
208. Who can place a scaffold tag? What are the details in a scaffolding tag?
Ans: Competent person (Scaffolding Supervisor).
What are the details in a scaffolding tag?
Ans: Location, Maximum loading capacity (kN/m2 or psf); Date erected and date inspected with foreman’s name and signature.
209. In which conditions a scaffold cannot be erected?
Ans: Extreme weather (strong wind, rain, ice), ground not stable, safe clearance (minimum 10ft.) cant be maintained with live wire, certified workers and supervisor are not available, permit not available.
210. What is the minimum overlapping of two adjacent planks in a scaffold platform?
Ans: Not less than 12 inches
211. What is a guard rail system?
Ans: A barrier consisting of top rails, midrails, toe boards and vertical uprights erected to prevent men and materials falling from an elevated work area.
212. What is a toe board?
Ans: Barrier secured along the sides and ends of a platform to guard against falling of materials, tools, and other objects.
213. What is the minimum height of a toe-board?
Ans. 4 inches.
214. what is the height of top rail from platform?
Ans. 38 to 45 inches.
215. In what circumstances fall protect on system to be used?
Ans. If a person could fall more than 1.8 meters then a fall protection system should be used.
E.g. Any activity at an elevation more than 1.8 meters such a erection, dismantling or maintenance of scaffolding, pipes, equipment,…
216. what is the minimum width required for a walk-way?
Ans. Minimum width of walk way is 18”.61.
217. what materials can be b placed on a scaffold platform?
Ans. All types of construction materials when is used for particular construction activity can be kept on scaffolding platform but before keeping the materials and tools required fro the work on the platform, we must ensure load bearing capacity of that scaffolding platform.
The platform shall not be over loaded and shall be fitted with falling object protection system like toe board, nets etc.
218. What are the minimum requirements for working on a scaffold?
Mobile scaffolding shall be plumb, level and square.
It shall only be used and moved on a surfaces sufficiently firm and level to ensure stability.
It shall be move only by manually pushing or pulling the base.
No men equipment or materials shall be on the working platform or elsewhere on the scaffolding while it is in motion.
Castor shall be locked at all times except during scaffold movement.
The temporary foundation or track set on uneven ground for scaffold movement shall be level and properly secured.
The height of the working platform shall not exceed 4 times of the minimum base dimension.
If it exceed this limit outriggers must be installed.
A complete guard rails system must be provided.
The scaffolding shall be inspected and tagged before use by a competent person.
219. when should we inspect a scaffold?
Ans. A scaffold shall be inspected and tagged after completing erection.
Also before each work period or where they are altered.
Adjusted or subjected to rain or heavy winds.
Thereafter the scaffold shall be examined at least once seven days.
220. With what color a ladder can be painted?
Ans. Aluminum ladders and wooden ladder shall not be painted.
221. What is life line?
Ans. A life line is a component that consist of a flexible line that connects to an anchorage at one end to hang vertically or that connect to anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally and which serves as method to connect other component of a personnel fall arrest system to the anchorage.
222. How can we calculate the safe anchorage of a life-line?
Ans. When life line is used they shall be fastened to fixed safe points of anchorage capable of supporting 2300 Kgs.
Shall be independent, and shall be protected from sharp edges and abrasion. Safe anchorage points may include structure members (minimum 4” structural member or 4” pipes) but do not include guard rails, vents, other small dia piping systems, electrical conduit, outrigger beams or counter weights. It shall be made from 10 mm dia.
Width ropes. Horizontal life lines shall be installed at the highest feasible point, preferably above shoulder height.
This life lines shall be maintained with unloaded sag at the centre no greater than 30 cm (12 inches) for e very 10 meters of life line length between attachment points
223. What is Lock out/ Tag out system?
Ans. For servicing or maintenance of live equipment or pipe lines, where the unexpected energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock and tag are placed on the isolating device to avoid uncontrolled operation and give details of the lock-out schedule.
224. Expand the following:
•STARRT- Safety Task and Risk Reduction Talk
•COSHH- Control of substance hazardous to Health.
•OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
•OSHAS- Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series.
•ELCB- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker.
•GFCI- Ground Fault circuit Interrupter.
•BS- British Standard \institute.
•SWL- Safe working Load .
•ANSI- American National standards Institute.
•Lost Time Incident.
•ASTM- American Society for Testing of Materials.
•JSA- Job Hazards Analysis.
•LEL- Lower Explosive Limit.
•UEL- Upper Explosive Limits.
•PEL- Permissible Explosive Limit.
•REL- Recommended Exposure Limit
•PSI- Pounds/Square Inch ( 1 bar= 14.7 psi)
•STEL- Short Term Exposure Limit.
•WBGT- Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
•APR- Air Purifying Respirator
•ASR- Air Supplying Respirator.
•SCBA- Self Contain Breathing Apparatus.
•RSO-Radiation Safety Officer
•NFPA- National Fire Protection association
225. What is the importance of a Tool box meeting?
Ans. The workers can be educated about safe rules and procedures, and their awareness can be improved on some special task its importance.
226. What is an Emergency Evacuation Plan?
Ans. It is the procedure to provide concise guide lines for evacuation in case of some emergency and to identify the emergencies in advance.
This also helps us to plan and to define roles and responsibilities of all building custodian fire wardens and occupants.
227. What is a Hydro Test?
Ans. It is the test carried for leak test for pipes, equipment's etc by filling water in these equipment's and pipes with some pressure and its joints and connection are checked for any leak or breakage.
228. What is a Hipot- Test?
Ans. It is the insulation leakage test done for high voltage electrical cables, with high voltage megger.
229. What are the safety requirements for doing a hot work?
A). Remove all combustible materials from the area(with 10 mm), possible.
B). Use fire blanket to protect immovable materials and also for welding slugs.
C). Cover the area with fire blanket for containment of park generated while doing hot work.
D). Provide proper fire extinguisher in sufficient numbers.
E). Appoint a fire watch with red jacket, If necessary.
F). Barricade the area and post proper signage.
G). Use of proper PPE and damage free tools and equipment.
H).Obtain a valid hot work permit.
I). Conduct gas test if presence of combustible gases expected prior to work.
230. What are the benefits of near miss reporting?
Ans. To make analysis of the incident in order to avoid re occurrence.
To rectify the cause of those near misses before it turns into accidents.
To identify the deficiency of site performances and final remedial actions.
To improve safety performances by reducing LTAs, incident and near misses.
231. What is a risk assessment?
Ans. risk assessment is a method of estimating the rate of risk of an activity, by classifying actual and potential consequences and finding out mitigating actions to limit that risk.
232. In what situation Ear protection is needed?
Ans. In areas, where sound pollution is more than 85 dBA.
233. What is the emergency evacuation procedure to follow in the event of gas release?
Ans. don’t get panic on hearing alarm.
Switch off al the equipment and energized circuits.
Observe the direction of wind flow, proceed out in the cross wind direction to the plant
boundary fence and then proceed up wind.
Obey further instructions from emergency response team.
Resume work after getting clearance only.
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234. what is an “Assembly Muster Point”?
Ans. The area determined and marked for assembly of people working in case of any emergency.
Safety Officer's Interview Questions
235. What is the overall mission for the Safety Officer?
1. To look out for the safety and welfare of everybody on the incident. To recognize
potentially hazardous situations and inform others of those hazards.
2. To develop the safety action plan
236. Do you attend the in-briefing?
Yes. The safety officer will begin to learn of hazardous situation even at the in briefing
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237. What happens after the in-briefing?
He starts putting together the operational safety action plan.
238. Who is your audience?
1. All people that are working on the incident are the beneficiaries of the plan.
2. Immediate audience are other people on his safety team
3. Supervisors of all the other teams
4. Crew Bosses
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239. What is the content of your message?
1. The warnings or text about potentially unsafe situations
2. Any risks or hazards with the highest potential for serious accident or injury.
Examples include:
a. Driving and vehicle movement is one of the biggest safety issues
b. Changes in weather is another
240. Is there any enforcement on your part?
1. You have authority to use direct intervention to correct dangerous situations (if
they fall outside of regulations, guidelines and standards set by the agencies)
2. The Safety Officer has emergency authority to shut-down any part of the
operations at an incident if he or she sees conditions that are serious safety issues.
Lightning storms is one such situation.
3. You can identify and inform personnel of dangerous practices, such as people
without proper personal protective clothing.
4. The Safety Officer can get additional resources to help, such as local law
enforcement, park rangers, etc.
241: What actions do you take as part of steady state operations?
1. Walk the fire line, see what conditions are like
2. See what conditions exist in the base camp
3. Report on and correct safety issues and potential hazards
4. Report regularly with the incident commander
5. Provide a safety briefing as part of the morning report
6. Prepare a safety message as part of the Incident Action Plan (IAP)
242: How many different forms or documents do you have to keep track of?
1. The Safety Officer has to report on ICS 214 (Unit Log)
2. 25A – Form listing divisions, operational assignments, and also lists hazards (This is done at the planning meeting every afternoon)
243: Does the Safety Officer do a report after a safety issue?
1. Must do an After Action Review – Not a standard form but a review / debrief with the rest of his team
244: Who are the other people who help with safety?
1. Facilities unit leader
2. Food unit leader – for food handling safety and general food safety issues
245: Is there a particular source report or other source of information that you use that would indicate trends?
1. The Safety Officer might review the medical log, but typically will visit the
medical unit several times a day.
2. The most typical trends in injuries are:
a. Blisters
b. Foot Problems
c. Dehydration
d. General sickness
3. There is an I-SUITE injury and illness module coming on line that may indicate
trends and other issues.
246: What do you have to do when there is a serious accident?
1. Make sure that medical attention is provided first
2. Secure the area
3. Inform the Incident Commander
4. Conduct an investigation
247: At what point during demob does the Safety Officer leave the incident?
1. The Safety Officer attends the closeout meeting
2. Provides a safety data summary as part of the final narrative
1. There are some situations where two safety officers are needed. Since there are
so many things and situations to look at, one person can’t be wandering around
the base camp and the fire line at the same time.
2. Continually add to various web sites that list lessons learned for safety issues
3. Don’t replace good observations with checklists.
a. There seems to be a drive to add a lot of checklists to the incident team.
The time required to complete these checklists can take away good observation time.
248 What is the PEL of Hydrogen sulfide?
PEL – Permissible exposure limit
Ans 10PPM
249. What are the element of audit?
Ans) Five Elements of safety audit is
I. Policy & Organization
II. Strategy and Planning
III. Implementation and operation
IV. Performance measurement
V. Evaluation and review.
250. Why Halon type fire extinguishers are banned universally?
Ans) it’s not ecofriendly due to release of CFCs which causes global warming and ozone holes
Halons are low-toxicity, chemically stable compounds that have been used for fire and explosion protection from early in the last century.
Halon has proven to be an extremely effective fire suppressant. Halon is clean (i.e.,leaves no residue) and is remarkably safe for human exposure.
Although some states are banning the sale of certain hand-held extinguishers for non commercial uses, the answer is generally no.
However, effective January 1, 1994, the production and importation of new Halon was banned in the developed world through an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol.
251. List any 2 safety measures at roof work?
I. Isolate overhead electric lines.
II. Use of safety nets and fall arrest systems.
252. What is the unit of light?
There are many different units for measuring light and it can get very complicated. Here are a few common measurement terms:
I. Candela(cd)
Unit of luminous intensity of a light source in a specific direction. Also called candle.
Technically, the radiation intensity in a perpendicular direction of a surface of 1/600000 square meter of a black body at the temperature of solidification platinum under a pressure of 101,325 newton’s per square meter.
II. Foot-candle(fcorftc)
Unit of light intensity, measured in lumens per square foot. The brightness of one candle at a distance of one foot. Approximately 10.7639 lux.
III. Lumen(lm)
Unit of light flow or luminous flux. The output of artificial lights can be measured in lumens.
IV. Lux(lx)
Unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter. The metric equivalent of foot-candles (one lux equals 0.0929 foot-candles). Also called meter-candle.
253. Write any three environmental hazards on construction site?
I. Air pollution
II. Water pollution
III. Noise Pollution
IV. Asbestos dust becoming airborne
254. Write any 4 hazards in hot work activity?
I. Fire
II. Explosion
III. Electrocution
IV. Burns
V. Arc-flash
VI. Oxygen-depletion
VII. Toxic fumes
254. What is the Min & Max percentage of O2 allowed to work in confined space?
As per OSHA 19.5 % - 23.5%.
255. Write any three heat-stress related disorders?
I. Heat stroke -
Defined by a body temperature of greater than 40 °C (104 °F) due to environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation. Symptoms include dry skin, rapid, strong pulse and dizziness.
II. Heat exhaustion -
Can be a precursor of heatstroke; the symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast, weak pulse.
III. Heat syncope -
Fainting as a result of overheating.
IV. Heat edema
V. Heat cramps -
Muscle pains that happen during heavy exercise in hot weather.
VI. Heat rash -
Skin irritation from excessive sweating.
VII. Heat tetany -
Usually results from short periods of stress in intense heat. Symptoms may include hyperventilation, respiratory problems, numbness or tingling, or muscle spasms.
256. Ratio of positioning ladders?
257. What is the voltage to be used for power tools?
110 or 220 Volts
258. List three occupational diseases in construction industry?
I. Asbestos-related injuries such as mesothelioma and other cancers.
II. With noise damage to the ear, it may take many years for the symptoms to appear.
III. Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) can cause permanent damage.
IV. Respiratory Ailments (silica).
V. Repetitive work is one of the major causes of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).
VI. Dermatitis- Reaction of the skin to any irritant varies from one individual to another.
259. What is the Maximum PEL for 8 hrs of noise?
As per OSHA 90 dBA.
260. Total capacity of bund wall should be?
I. The gross capacity of the bunded area should be 110% of the capacity of the biggest tank or 25% of the total capacity of all tanks within the bund whichever is greater.
Wall type bunds at tank storage facility should be from 0.5 m to 1.5 m high. The distance between tank and bund walls must be at least 1 m. If the bund wall s are more than 1 m above floor provide steps or ladder for quick escape.
II. Drums Storage: The gross capacity of a bunded area should be sufficient to hold at least the volume of 25% of the drums to be stored up to 10 Kl plus 10% of any volume in excess thereof.
III. Tank Vehicle Loading: The capacity of a bunded area should at least equal to 100% of the largest compartment of any tank vehicle using the filling facility and the maximum quantity capable of being discharged from the filling point with full flow during a period of 2 minutes.
261. Name the instrument used to measure wind speed.
262. What is the min. distance for excavated materials to be kept from the edge of excavation?
5 Feet or more.
263. Write any 4 sign of damage when you inspect safely harness?
I. Webbing (rips, fraying, fatigue (or thinning), abrasions, cuts, broken fibers, or chemical or corrosive damage. Fading of webbing color can indicate UV wear)
II. D-rings (bending, distortion, rust, corrosion, cracks, nicks, burns, deep scratches or other signs of fatigue)
III. Buckles (distortions or sharp edges)
IV. General Damage/Wear and tear
264. What do you refer when handling Hazardous Materials?
I. Follow all established procedures and perform job duties as you’ve been trained.
II. Be cautious and plan ahead. Think about what could go wrong and pay close attention to what you’re doing while you work.
III. Always use required PPE—and inspect it carefully before each use to make sure it’s safe to use. Replace worn out or damage PPE; it won’t provide adequate protection.
IV. Make sure all containers are properly labeled and that the material is contained in an appropriate container. Don’t use any material not contained or labeled properly. Report any damaged containers or illegible labels to your supervisor right away.
V. Read labels and the material safety data sheet (MSDS) before using any material to make sure you understand hazards and precautions.
VI. Use all materials solely for their intended purpose. Don’t, for example, use solvents to clean your hands, or gasoline to wipe down equipment.
VII. Never eat or drink while handling any materials, and if your hands are contaminated, don’t use cosmetics or handle contact lenses.
VIII. Read the labels and refer to MSDSs to identify properties and hazards of chemical products and materials.
IX. Store all materials properly, separate incompatibles, and store in ventilated, dry, cool areas.
X. Keep you and your work area clean. After handling any material, wash thoroughly with soap and water. Clean work surfaces at least once a shift so that contamination risks are minimized.
XI. Learn about emergency procedures and equipment. Understanding emergency procedures means knowing evacuation procedures, emergency reporting procedures, and procedures for dealing with fires and spills. It also means knowing what to do in a medical emergency if a co- worker is injured or overcome by chemicals.
265. What are the documents should be submitted when apply for excavation permit?
I. Excavation work permit
II. A safety checklist may prove helpful when you consider specific site conditions such as the following:
a) Traffic,
b) Proximity and physical conditions of nearby structures,
c) Soil,
d) Surface and ground water, e) Location of the water table,
f) Overhead and underground utilities, and
g) Weather
266. Give examples of ignitable waste.
I. Liquids with a flashpoint of less than 60o C / 140o F
II. Solids that burn spontaneously
III. Flammable compressed gas
IV. Oxidizers
V. Materials with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) flammability hazard rating of 3 or 4.
267 Give examples of Toxic waste.- Arsenic,
- Barium,
- Benzene, Cadmium,
- Carbon Tetrachloride,
- Chlordane,
- Chlorobenzene,
- Chloroform,
- Chromium,
- O-Cresol, M-Cresol, P-Cresol, Cresol,
- Endrin,
- Heptachlor,
- Hex chlorobenzene,
- Hexachlorobutadiene,
- Hexachloroethane,
- Lead,
- Lindane,
- Mercury,
- Methoxychlor,
- Methyl ethyl ketone,
- Nitrobenzene,
- Pentachlorophenol,
- Pyridine,
- Selenium,
- Silver,
- Tetrachloroethylene,
- Toxaphene,
- Trichloroethylene,
- Vinyl Chloride
268. Give examples of Reactive waste.
I. Materials that tend to be unstable at normal temperatures and pressures
II. Water reactive materials
III. Explosives
IV. Cyanide or sulfide bearing wastes
V. Pyrophoric metals such as sodium VI. Cyanide wastes
VII. Ethers
VIII. Peroxides
269. Give examples of Reactive waste.
I. Aqueous solutions with pH less than 2 or greater than 12.5
II. Liquid that corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm per year (0.25 inches per year) at a test temperature of 55°C (130°F)
III. Strong acids
IV. Alkaline degreasers
V. Water/wastewater treatment chemicals
VI. Any debris that is contaminated with this material
270. Write characteristic of inert Gas?
I. They are also called Noble Gases or Inert Gases or Zero Group Elements.
II. They have eight electrons in their valence shell except helium (Z=2). III. Their valence shell are complete.
IV. They are chemically inert.
V. They have high values of Ionization Potential.
VI. Noble gases are diamagnetic due to absence of unpaired electrons.
VII. They are monoatomic gases.
VIII. They are colorless and odorless gases.
IX. All these are present in our atmosphere except radon.
X. Noble gases are quite soluble in water.
271. What is safety policy?
Any company has a social and legal obligation to provide a safe and health working environment to all his improvement to all his employees.
272. What is safety audit?
The safety audit is the process that identifies un-safe conditions and unsafe acts the plant and recommended safety improvement. Walk through It evaluates the unsafe condition notice able to naked eye during work throughthe plant. (Stores, civil work, erection work) Inter mediate-more details study and review of plant design and plant operation. Comprehensive –It evaluates the safety factors in the plant on the base engineering, analysis, testing,measurement.
273. What is safety tag?
Safety tag can be defined a surface made of cardboard or paper board on
which English local languages letters written for warning safety instructions to
274. What is safety program?
Safety programme can be defined as five methods by which accident can be prevent easily they are engineering, education, enforcement, enthusiasm and example safety programmes are plain spoken and carry out certain legal steps.
275 . What is attitude?
Attitude may be described as continuous behavior . if man’s behavior is good,
then his action will be either correct or safe.
276. what is emergency planning?
Emergency planning can defined as a control measurer. It can control the
accidents safe guard people and provide information to media.
277. What is work permit system?
Work permit system is a “ written documents” for permission to undertake a job by area in charge or it is written document issued by the area in charge to the performer to under take the specific job.
278. What are the duties of a safety officer?
Prepare tool box talk Prepare monthly statistics Prepare the checklist Accident reports Management meetings Arrange the safety classes/training Arrange monthly safety bulletin Inspection of fire extinguisher Arrange first aidtraining classes Arrange safety competitions like quiz, slogan, poster competitions exhibition etc.
279. What are the pre cautions for welding?1. Remove all combustion material from the place of welding 2. Clear the work area and cover wooden floor with fire proof mats. ( Welding mechanic shouldbe kept with in the visibility of the welders. 3. Erect fire resistance screen around the work 4. All welding cables should be fully insulted 5. All welding mics shall be double earthed 6. Welding area should be dry and free fromwater 7. Keep the fire extinguisher / sand really 8. Use leather hand gloves, goggles and helmets 9. Switch off the power when welding is stopped 10. Do not allow the helper to do welding 11. Do not shift he welding cable unless theelectric power is switched off. 12. Do not allow the helper to carry the welding.
Terminal of the welding cables should be provided 3-cable with lugs and kept
tight. 13. Oxygen hose in black and Acetylene hose in red in color as per standard 14. NRV of the blow torches should be maintained properly avoid back fire 15. Welders should be trained properly 16. Cylinders should be stored in a cold dry place away bottom heat and direct sunlight. 17. Proper house keeping, good ventilation in the working area 18. Smoking should be avoided from welding area 19. Hose connection should be proper made 20. Barricade the work area and put a sign board 21. Rolling of cylinders should be avoided22. Flash back arrestor should be attached in each cylinders 23. Any leakage of cylinder should be kept separately
280. What is the precaution for gas cutting?
1. Keep fire extinguisher nearby 2.Keep fire watch near by 3. Remove all combustible from work area 4. Use all necessary PPE 5. Never put welding gas cylinder in side a confined space 6. Hoses shall not be laid in path ways 7. Gas cutting torch should have flashback arrestors 8. Gas test to be done to check for presence of flammable gas in site. 9. Good house keeping and ventilation necessary in working area. 10. Hose connections should be made properly
281. What are the precaution for “sandblasting”?
1. Compressed airline, hoses and other fitting must installment firmly with out leaks the hose. 2. Mis use compress are should be avoided 3. A fresh air hood
or mask must be worn 4. House keeping can be done period cally 5. Fire extinguish her shall be kept near by 6. Dust mask ear plugs / muffs should be
used 7. No sand blasting shall be done on top of floating roof tank in service. 8. Use goggles & face shield 9. Sand blasting operation must be gas free
282. What are hazards and injuries in manual handing?
1. Cutting fingers due to sharp edges 2. Burns due to handing of hot articles 3. Foot injuries due to dropped articles 4. Slipped disc due to improper posturein lifting on object 5. Strains to wrist or fingers 6. Sprains, wounds hernias, fractures
283. Cause of accidents in manual handling?
1. Improper lifting 2. Carrying too heavy loads 3. Improper gripping 4. Failure to use PPE 5. Lifting greasy, oily and irregular objects 6. Poor physique
284. What precautions are need to avoid accident in manhandling?1. Stand at safe distance from the load 2. Sharp edge and burns are removed
before lifting a material. 3. PPE such as safety gloves and safety shoes are to be used. 4. If the weight is too heavy for one person to lift, then he has to seek the assistance. 5. The pathway is not blocked by obstacles while carrying the load.
6. The different actions, movements and forces necessary while carrying the
load. 7. Modify the task by using hooks and crow bars. 8. Mechanical equipments like cranes shall be used. 9. Modify the objects 10. Change the way things are used.
285. Tips for manuals handling?
1. Plan 2. Clear the path 3. Move in close to the load 4. Secure your grip 5. Hold your head upright 6. Maintain normal curves of the spine 7. Power the lift with legs and body weight 8. Don’t twist
286. Cause of accidents in mechanical handling?
1. The sudden failure of wire rope or a chain 2. Slipping of the load from the sling 3. Swinging of the load at the time of lifting 4. The load sometimes hits the man
287. What are the accidents in “poor house keeping”?
1. Men getting hit by failing from overhead 2. Men slipping as greasy, wet or
dirty floor 3. Men failing in open tank without cover in level floor 4. Accidents due to poor lighting 5. Fire accidents due to faulty electrical wires
288. What are the advantages in good house keeping?
1. It helps in the reduction of accidents including fire accidents 2. It saves the property damages 3. It improves employee moral 4. Better productivity 5. Working area be-comes presentable6. Human energy is conserved 7. Visitors are very much satisfied 8. The burden of supervisor is reduced
289. How to care and maintenance of hand tools?
1. Tools must be kept clean and free from corrosion 2. Keep metal parts lightly oiled 3. Remove burrs from edges of tools and heads of chisels. 4. Tools which are not in used must be stored separately 5. A good worker regularly inspects his tools 6. Do not use tools without handles
290. How to prevent accidents of “power tools”?
1. The operators should wear face shields or safety glasses 2. Power tools should be placed in the store room after use 3. power tools should have protected by guards 4. Pneumatic hoses or electric cables of power tools should not pass through passage ways. 5. The electrical power tools should be properly earthed 6. Never horse play with hose of pneumatic tools 7. Power tools machines should be maintained and operated properly.
291. What are the causes of accidents of “hard tools”?
1. Due to wrong way using of tools. 2. Due to defective condition of tools 3. Due to failure of using right tools for right job 4. Due to wrong way of carrying tools 5. Due to strong of tools un safety
292. What precautions are necessary in electrical work?
1. All electrical installations shall be as per Indian electricity rules 2. Only competent persons should handle the electrical equipments 3. The equipments should be earthed properly 4. All temporary electric lines shouldbe drawn at least above man’s height 5. Cable should be completely insulted 6. Cable should not have any joints 7. Only connection for one point 8. Good house keeping on the area 9. Fire protection equipment to be kept near by 10. Use rubber gloves and rubber boots 11. Use good quality of wire 12. Power isolation close to the job 13. Use three pin plug instead of loose wire 14. Never operate any electrical equipment with wet hands 15. Never stand wet surface while working electrical equipments 16. During thunder storm do not standunder tree 17. Proper sign board is necessary 18. No person shall work on any live electrical conductor 19. The switch shall only be put on by person who switched it off
293. How to erect scaffolding?
1. It should be erected on levels firm ground 2. It erected by trained / skilled person 3. It is constructed using metal pipes and wooden boards 4. It should be design and constructed from good and sound material 5. Not to be erected on loose earth 6. Clamps should fixed 7. Properly bracing 8. Sole plate is necessary the base of vertical pipe
294. Safety precaution of scaffold?
1. Wooden board not be painted 2. Wooden board should not to any cracks 3. Check for rust in pipes / clamps 4. Clamps should fixed and good quality 5. Boards thickness should be 3.4 cms and no bending 6. The construction must be rigid, properly based 7. Use of good and sound materials 8. The wooden bellies has not joints 9. Vertical poles should not be more than 6 feet 10. Chains, ropes used for the suspension of scaffoldings 11. Never throw any materials from height 12. Use safety harness while working at above 6 feet 13. Properly ties to be arrangement
295. What control measures area necessary in confined space?
1. Enter with air line BA sets 2. Use 24v flame proof hand lamps 3. A hole watch to be kept near man hole 4. Keep fire fighting equipment ready 5. Gas test to be done to check for oxygen level 6. Provide blowers 7. Don’t smoke in confined space 8. Use ropes and harness 9. The spaces clean before entry 10. Use non sparking tools it there is any risk of flammable vapors being present.
296. Safety rules when using ladders?
1. The foot wear is not greasy, oily and muddy and has a good grip on the rungs. 2. When climbing or coming down a ladder should be face the ladder side and had on with both hand. 3. Carry light tools in pockets in a shoulder bag. 4. Hold on with at least new hand if use of both hands then, use safety belt 5. Never climb higher than the third rung from the top on straight or second tired from the top on extension ladder. 6. Step ladder must be fully open and the divider locked 7. Metal ladder shall not be used near electrical equipment's. 8. Metal ladder shall not be place on firm footing and at angle of 75 9. Any ladder found defect in any way should be marked do not use 10. Ladder shall not be placed on a box or drum. 11. Rubber protection on head and heel of a ladder is necessary.
297. Safety rules insuring oxygen cylinders?
1. Oxygen cylinders should not be kept near combustible materials. 2. Oxygen cylinders should not be handled with grassy hands or gloves. 3. Oxygen cylinders and their fittings should not be tested with oil based soap solution. 4. Oxygen cylinders and other combustible gas cylinders should not be stored together. 5. The top cover of the cylinder should be kept in position and screwed safety when not in use. 6. Cylinders should not be used as rollers for moving materials 7. Oxygen must not be use for ventilating confined spaces.
298. Safety rules in using compressed air?
1. Only authorized persons should used compressed air. 2. The body or clothes should not be cleaned with compressed air. 3. Compressed air hose pipes should not be placed across passage ways 4. Leakage of compressed air should not be tested with hands. 5. While working with tools run by compressed air safety shoes are to be used. 6. The tools should not be kept on position when not in use.
299. Handling of compressed gas cylinders?
1. They are not to be dragged or dropped 2. They should be stored in dry and well ventilated places 3. Chins and slings should not be used for lifting cylinders. 4. the caps of the cylinders should not be removed when they are not the use. 5. Cylinders should not be stored near hot sources 6. Acetylene cylinders should not be stored horizontally 7. Empty cylinders and fully cylinders should be stored separately 8. Leakage cylinders removed to open space and release the gas without getting ignited.
300. Storage of gas cylinders.
1. Cylinders should stored in a safe, dry and well ventilated store 2. Oxygen cylinders should be stored horizontally and acetylene cylinders shall be stored vertically. 3. The standing cylinders should be secured properly avoid falling.4. Flammable gas shall be stored at least 50 feet away from another building 5. Oxygen cylinder shall never be stored necessary flammable gas cylinder 6. Empty cylinder shall be identified by marking with a chalk (MT) and checked for damage before returning to suppliers. 7. Cylinders should not be kept as supports.
301. Give a brief about grinding?
1. Proper wheel shall be used a per the grinding M/c’s specification 2. All the grinding M/c’s shall be used with wheel guard 3. Grinding cables shall not mingle with welding cables 4. All the cables shall be protected from damage 5. Provide face shield with safety helmet 6. Never use fracture wheel 7. Excessive tight of maintaining is dangerous 8. All guards should be in position beforethe machine operated 9. The speed of the grinding should match in the speeds of the grinding machines 10. Only skill person should be handle this work 11. Testing of wheel is necessary
235. What is the overall mission for the Safety Officer?
1. To look out for the safety and welfare of everybody on the incident. To recognize
potentially hazardous situations and inform others of those hazards.
2. To develop the safety action plan
236. Do you attend the in-briefing?
Yes. The safety officer will begin to learn of hazardous situation even at the in briefing
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237. What happens after the in-briefing?
He starts putting together the operational safety action plan.
238. Who is your audience?
1. All people that are working on the incident are the beneficiaries of the plan.
2. Immediate audience are other people on his safety team
3. Supervisors of all the other teams
4. Crew Bosses
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239. What is the content of your message?
1. The warnings or text about potentially unsafe situations
2. Any risks or hazards with the highest potential for serious accident or injury.
Examples include:
a. Driving and vehicle movement is one of the biggest safety issues
b. Changes in weather is another
240. Is there any enforcement on your part?
1. You have authority to use direct intervention to correct dangerous situations (if
they fall outside of regulations, guidelines and standards set by the agencies)
2. The Safety Officer has emergency authority to shut-down any part of the
operations at an incident if he or she sees conditions that are serious safety issues.
Lightning storms is one such situation.
3. You can identify and inform personnel of dangerous practices, such as people
without proper personal protective clothing.
4. The Safety Officer can get additional resources to help, such as local law
enforcement, park rangers, etc.
241: What actions do you take as part of steady state operations?
1. Walk the fire line, see what conditions are like
2. See what conditions exist in the base camp
3. Report on and correct safety issues and potential hazards
4. Report regularly with the incident commander
5. Provide a safety briefing as part of the morning report
6. Prepare a safety message as part of the Incident Action Plan (IAP)
242: How many different forms or documents do you have to keep track of?
1. The Safety Officer has to report on ICS 214 (Unit Log)
2. 25A – Form listing divisions, operational assignments, and also lists hazards (This is done at the planning meeting every afternoon)
243: Does the Safety Officer do a report after a safety issue?
1. Must do an After Action Review – Not a standard form but a review / debrief with the rest of his team
244: Who are the other people who help with safety?
1. Facilities unit leader
2. Food unit leader – for food handling safety and general food safety issues
245: Is there a particular source report or other source of information that you use that would indicate trends?
1. The Safety Officer might review the medical log, but typically will visit the
medical unit several times a day.
2. The most typical trends in injuries are:
a. Blisters
b. Foot Problems
c. Dehydration
d. General sickness
3. There is an I-SUITE injury and illness module coming on line that may indicate
trends and other issues.
246: What do you have to do when there is a serious accident?
1. Make sure that medical attention is provided first
2. Secure the area
3. Inform the Incident Commander
4. Conduct an investigation
247: At what point during demob does the Safety Officer leave the incident?
1. The Safety Officer attends the closeout meeting
2. Provides a safety data summary as part of the final narrative
1. There are some situations where two safety officers are needed. Since there are
so many things and situations to look at, one person can’t be wandering around
the base camp and the fire line at the same time.
2. Continually add to various web sites that list lessons learned for safety issues
3. Don’t replace good observations with checklists.
a. There seems to be a drive to add a lot of checklists to the incident team.
The time required to complete these checklists can take away good observation time.
248 What is the PEL of Hydrogen sulfide?
PEL – Permissible exposure limit
Ans 10PPM
249. What are the element of audit?
Ans) Five Elements of safety audit is
I. Policy & Organization
II. Strategy and Planning
III. Implementation and operation
IV. Performance measurement
V. Evaluation and review.
250. Why Halon type fire extinguishers are banned universally?
Ans) it’s not ecofriendly due to release of CFCs which causes global warming and ozone holes
Halons are low-toxicity, chemically stable compounds that have been used for fire and explosion protection from early in the last century.
Halon has proven to be an extremely effective fire suppressant. Halon is clean (i.e.,leaves no residue) and is remarkably safe for human exposure.
Although some states are banning the sale of certain hand-held extinguishers for non commercial uses, the answer is generally no.
However, effective January 1, 1994, the production and importation of new Halon was banned in the developed world through an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol.
251. List any 2 safety measures at roof work?
I. Isolate overhead electric lines.
II. Use of safety nets and fall arrest systems.
252. What is the unit of light?
There are many different units for measuring light and it can get very complicated. Here are a few common measurement terms:
I. Candela(cd)
Unit of luminous intensity of a light source in a specific direction. Also called candle.
Technically, the radiation intensity in a perpendicular direction of a surface of 1/600000 square meter of a black body at the temperature of solidification platinum under a pressure of 101,325 newton’s per square meter.
II. Foot-candle(fcorftc)
Unit of light intensity, measured in lumens per square foot. The brightness of one candle at a distance of one foot. Approximately 10.7639 lux.
III. Lumen(lm)
Unit of light flow or luminous flux. The output of artificial lights can be measured in lumens.
IV. Lux(lx)
Unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter. The metric equivalent of foot-candles (one lux equals 0.0929 foot-candles). Also called meter-candle.
253. Write any three environmental hazards on construction site?
I. Air pollution
II. Water pollution
III. Noise Pollution
IV. Asbestos dust becoming airborne
254. Write any 4 hazards in hot work activity?
I. Fire
II. Explosion
III. Electrocution
IV. Burns
V. Arc-flash
VI. Oxygen-depletion
VII. Toxic fumes
254. What is the Min & Max percentage of O2 allowed to work in confined space?
As per OSHA 19.5 % - 23.5%.
255. Write any three heat-stress related disorders?
I. Heat stroke -
Defined by a body temperature of greater than 40 °C (104 °F) due to environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation. Symptoms include dry skin, rapid, strong pulse and dizziness.
II. Heat exhaustion -
Can be a precursor of heatstroke; the symptoms include heavy sweating, rapid breathing and a fast, weak pulse.
III. Heat syncope -
Fainting as a result of overheating.
IV. Heat edema
V. Heat cramps -
Muscle pains that happen during heavy exercise in hot weather.
VI. Heat rash -
Skin irritation from excessive sweating.
VII. Heat tetany -
Usually results from short periods of stress in intense heat. Symptoms may include hyperventilation, respiratory problems, numbness or tingling, or muscle spasms.
256. Ratio of positioning ladders?
257. What is the voltage to be used for power tools?
110 or 220 Volts
261. Name the instrument used to measure wind speed.
262. What is the min. distance for excavated materials to be kept from the edge of excavation?
5 Feet or more.
- Arsenic,
- Barium,
- Benzene, Cadmium,
- Carbon Tetrachloride,
- Chlordane,
- Chlorobenzene,
- Chloroform,
- Chromium,
- O-Cresol, M-Cresol, P-Cresol, Cresol,
- Endrin,
- Heptachlor,
- Hex chlorobenzene,
- Hexachlorobutadiene,
- Hexachloroethane,
- Lead,
- Lindane,
- Mercury,
- Methoxychlor,
- Methyl ethyl ketone,
- Nitrobenzene,
- Pentachlorophenol,
- Pyridine,
- Selenium,
- Silver,
- Tetrachloroethylene,
- Toxaphene,
- Trichloroethylene,
- Vinyl Chloride
302. What is safety precaution to be taken prior to start & during the WORK AT HEIGHT & why it is required?
- The work is properly planned, organized. Appropriately supervised and carried out ensuring safety of workers and integrity of worksite.
- The worksite including its access as well exit is safe with necessary protection against fall from height.
- Similarly the workers to be deployed for work at height are trained and aware of potential hazards.
- PPE, appropriate fall arrest system such as Safety Harness, Safety Nets etc. shall be used to protect the person from fall.
- The personnel working at height must use appropriate & approved Full Body Safety Harness and attached to a secure anchorage.
- All the straps of safety harness shall be securely tightened to the body parts.
- The tools and equipment to be used at height must be kept properly secured to prevent its accidental fall or tripping hazard.
- The area in the vicinity of work at height should be barricaded and danger notice posted to alert the personnel.
Man Basket:
Workers should keep all body parts inside the man basket while it is being lifted or positioned. Workers must wear a personal fall arrest system, and Helmet with chin strap must be worn at all times.
Sloping Roofs:
Employee worked in roofing activities on slope roofs with unprotected sides and edges 6 feet (1.8 meters) or more above shall be used appropriate Safety Harness, Safety Net and Guardrail or a combination of these.
303. What are causes of accident of working at height (Personal)?
- Lack of knowledge and skill
- over work
- Feeling of dizziness
- Non usage of PPEs like safety belt cygnet
- Unsafe platform (Not covered having floor openings)
- Improper erecting
- Unlearning work at height
304. Control measure of work at height ?
- Use safety belt with proper anchoring above head.
- Special training must be given before starting the job.
- All scaffolds must be erected by skill persons.
- No work after sun set
- Every platform should free from unnecessary obstruction
- Grease, mud, paint removed from working platform