Solution Interview Questions

Solution Interview Questions contains interview questions asked in technical interviews Solution Interview Questions contains interview questions asked in technical interviews..

Blog contains following questions

1. Define Solvent, Solute, Solution.
2. What is buffer Solution?
3. When the volatility difference between two components is very less which types distillation use? Why?
4. Define: - Electronegativity and Bond.
5. Define 𝝈 and 𝝅 bond
6. Define atomic no and atomic Weight.
7. Give full form of COD, BOD, TDS, PPM, CGMP & GMP. COD-Chemical Oxygen Demand
8. Define Fire Point and Flash Point. What is the importance of determination of Fire Point?
9. Define: - Isomer, Isotopes, Isobar.
10. Write 2 oxidizing agents and reducing
11. What is dry ice?
12. Define pH.
13. Define Normality, Molarity, Molality.
14. A solution is prepared by dissolving 10gm NaOH in water to make 250ml solution. What is normality& molarity of solution?
15. Define Moles & Mole fraction.
16.  State Boyle law, Charles law, Gay - Lussac law?

1. Define Solvent, Solute, Solution.

  • Solution: - A solution in chemistry is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
  • Solute: - A substance which is dissolved in solvent is called solute.
  • Solvent: - The substance in which the solute is dissolved is called a solvent.
Solvent, Solute, Solution.
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2. What is buffer Solution?

A Solution that resistance towards change in pH of solution basicity it is either made of a weak acid and a conjugate base or a weak base and a conjugate acid.

3. When the volatility difference between two components is very less which types distillation use? Why?

Extractive distillation or azeotropic distillation is used depending upon nature of the liquid mixture.

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4. Define: - Electronegativity and Bond.

Electronegativity: - Tendency of any atom to attract bonding electron towards itself.
Bond: - The linkage between atom in molecules.

5. Define 𝝈 and 𝝅 bond

𝝈 bond: - This type of co valent bond formed by the end to end overlap of bonding orbital. Along the inter nuclear axis. this is called as head on overlap axial.
𝝅 bond: - In the formation of 𝜋 bond the atomic orbital overlap in such  a way that  their axes remain parallel to each other end perpendicular to the inter nuclear axis.
Butanol  have  14 𝝈 bond, no  𝜋 bond

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6. Define atomic no and atomic Weight.

  • Atomic (Z): -The no. of protons in the nucleus of atom is called Atomic no.
  • Atomic Weight: - the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atom is called atomic

7. Give full form of COD, BOD, TDS, PPM, CGMP & GMP. COD-Chemical Oxygen Demand

The amount of oxygen present in water consume during two hrs by the organic and inorganic contaminant
  • BOD-Biological Oxygen Demand
BOD is the amount of dissolve oxygen needed by biological organism to break down organic material present in one liter water during five days at 20 degree Celsius.
  • TDS- Total dissolved solid
  • PPM- Parts per million
  • CGMP-Current good manufacturing practice.
  • GMP-Good manufacturing practice.
  • GLP-Good laboratory Practice.

8. Define Fire Point and Flash Point. What is the importance of determination of Fire Point?

·         Flash Point: - It is the lowest temperature at which vapour of fluid will produce a flash by open flame.
·         Fire Point: -It is the lowest temperature  at which  the  vapour  of fluid  will  continue  to burn for at least 5 seconds after ignition by open flame.

9. Define: - Isomer, Isotopes, Isobar.

  • Isomer: - Compound having same molecular  formula  but different  molecular  structure or different arrangement of atom and group this phenomenon is isomerism.
  • Isotopes: - Two or more atom of same element has same atomic number but different atomic weight.
Ex: - 1H1,1H2, C12, C13
  • Isobar: - Two or more atom of same element has same atomic weight but different atomic number.
Ex:- 1H1,2H1.
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10. Write 2 oxidizing agents and reducing

 Oxidizing agents: - KMnO4 , K2Cr2O7 , H2O2 , OZONE
Reducing agents: - LiAlH4 , NaBH4 , Na2S2O3 , KI

11. What is dry ice?

Dry ice is the solid form  of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent.

12. Define pH.

It is the negative logarithm of the activity  of hydrogen ion. pH = -log[H+] Or pH = -log[H3O+]
potency of H+ in solution.

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13. Define Normality, Molarity, Molality.

  • Normality: – Normality is defined as the number of equivalents weight of solute dissolved in one liter of
  • Molarity: – Molarity is  defined  as the number  of molecular  weight  of solute  dissolved in one liter of
  • Molality: – Molality is defined as the  number  of molecular  weight  of solute  dissolved in one kilogram of

14. A solution is prepared by dissolving 10gm NaOH in water to make 250ml solution. What is normality& molarity of solution?

For normality=> 1N = Equivalent Wt. =1000ml
1N =      40/4           = 250 ml solution
1N =      10gm                = 250gm
For molarity=>     1M = Molecular weight = 1000ml.
1M =        40/4          =1000/4
1M =      10               =250 ml solution

15. Define Moles & Mole fraction.

  • Mole: – It is the number of molecule present in molecular weight of substance.
  • Mole Fraction: – It is the ratio of the moles of individual components to the total moles of compound.
·         Toluene
-94.99 ˚C

16.  State Boyle law, Charles law, Gay - Lussac law?

Boyle law: – For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure.
V α 1/p             T – Constant
Charles law: - For a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the temperature.
V α T                  P – Constant
Gay-Lussac law: - For a fixed mass of gas at constant volume, the pressure is directly proportional to the temperature.
P α T                   V – Constant

Thanks for reading - Solution Interview Questions
Naitik Patel
Industrial Guide

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